Ch 33 - Cookies Are For Heroes

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My neck was killing me. Every time I swallowed it was like knives going down my throat. My skin had turned all kinds of shades of purple, yellow, and red overnight. You could almost see Drake's disgusting fingerprints from where he choked me.

People gave me looks all day. Looks of sympathy, looks of pity, some looks of curiosity. My tutors wanted me to go home and rest before the next game.

Frankie was the most disturbed by the whole thing. He was sure there was some mistake when I told him what happened. He theorized someone poisoned or used a spell on Drake during the game to make him act in such a way. He couldn't wrap his head around anyone ever doing something like that without something being very wrong with them. But there was something wrong with Drake.

He was a twat.

Frankie gave me one of his serums to heal and help with the pain. But I wanted the bruise. I wanted everyone to see what a pig their fucking golden boy was.

I stepped into the arena with my head held high and the bruise on my neck and face on full display.

For the first time ever, the arena was crowded with people. All different kinds of people stood in the observation boxes, waiting for something.

This did not bode well for today's game.

"Rose," Drake appeared before me with eyes full of remorse. He glanced at my neck and blinked. "I wanted—"

"Shut the fuck up," I cut him off. "I would rather pry my fingernails and teeth out with pliers than listen to your weak ass apology. I know exactly what you wanted you disgusting piece of shit."

I looked him up and down with disdain.

His eyes were a mix of emotions I had trouble deciphering. Anger and desperation were at least two of them.

He glanced up at the observation boxes where hundreds of people were all watching us very closely. Drake ground his jaw and looked at me with fury.

I looked back at him in challenge. "Do you have something you'd like to say, Drake? Because I fucking dare you."

He took a shaky breath trying to quell his rage as he shook his head lightly.

"Good. Now get the fuck out of my way." I brushed past him and walked straight up to Pete. "Hey, Pete."

"Rose! Ouch!" He cringed at my neck and looked back at Drake. "He is such a butthead."

"Yeah," I let out a light laugh and handed him the bag I brought for him. "I made you some cookies. And some brownies... and rice crispy treats."

Pete gasped as he tore through the bag. "Is that candy inside a cookie?!"

"The Vellas gave me some M&M's." I smiled. "I thought you'd like that."

"You are the best person in the universe!" He pulled me into a hug so tight my back cracked.

I wiped a bit of excess water from my eye and smiled at him shoving cookies in his mouth two at a time. "Thank you for saving me, Pete."

"What are friends for?" He smiled and turned back toward his lost boys. One of them tried to grab a cookie but he snatched the bag away from him quickly. "Go to hell! You didn't save her. That was me. Cookies are for heroes. Not people standing about with their fingers in their butts."

I laughed at how incredibly perfect Pete was.

"The Vellas didn't want me in your house yesterday." Georgia looped her arm through mine. "But just so we're clear: if someone wants to harm a hair on your perfect golden head, they will have to go through me first. And I'm not an easy obstacle."

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