Improbable Birth

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In the unbearable summer heat of Houston, Texas, a tale unfolds,
In June of 1979, a story of courage untold.
16 year old Shyvonne, a beat down soul in the depths of despair, in the ambulance's womb, she'd bravely bear.

Amidst the chaos, in the darkest of hours, a newborn's cry, a fragile life's flowers.
On the city's streets, where hope seemed lost, a miracle born, at an immeasurable cost.

Shyvonne, a warrior, her struggles profound, in the throes of addiction, her battles unbound.
Yet in that ambulance's fleeting embrace, she cradled a future, a glimmer of grace.

Previn, born in transit, in a world on the move, a testament to strength, a life to improve.
Houston's streets witnessed an unlikely birth, a symbol of resilience, of infinite worth.

In that moment of chaos, a hero emerged, a child of destiny, his path was now surged.
For Previn, the journey had just begun, a life born from hardship, but destined to stun.

Through trials and tribulations, he'd rise above, a beacon of hope, a testament of enigmatic love.
From those early days in that ambulance's care,
Previn's story would flourish, a life born from despair. - P.

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