I Need a Drink

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Regina Nixon's inebriated grace,
A life unfolded in a spiraling and dependent space.
A Schlitz Malt Liquor sipper by day and by night, yet love for her grandson burned ever so bright.

Through the haze of her chosen brew's embrace, she tried to create Previn a somewhat decent place.
Though Schlitz flowed freely, a comfort she'd find, in caring for Previn, a love undefined.

Though her choices were burdened, her heart held a key, to nurturing Previn, to setting him free.
For Regina, though flawed, her love was sincere, in the midst of her struggle, her grandson she'd revere.

Regina, a soul with complexities untold,
A grandmother's love, more precious than gold. Though Schlitz may have lingered, it couldn't replace,
The love she had for Previn, her grandson's embrace. - P.

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