02 | breath again

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「 POV 」

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HUSHED MURMURS that's all they are, their faces are masked blank but the hint of fear can be seen through their eyes- or is it just me who can see it?

their eyes danced from each other to the head of the table, they are like weakened wolves, always in pack never alone. always depending on their leader. pathetic.

"I think Rossi passed his pants" the whisper was for me to hear but I know some of them also heard it including the mentioned rossi, I watched as he uncomfortably shifted in his seat. clearly distressed.

I turned to cast a blank glance at the whisperer, he has his fingers rubbing his jaw, the looks in his eyes says that he finds it amusing, entertaining. the wicked look in his eyes says that he is enjoying the show.

I turned my gaze to the head of the table. there sat their leader, the one they worship like a god, like he is their maker.

unsurprisingly his stare was on me, drilling into my eyes, was he expecting me to shiver in his gaze? no. but does he want me to? yes.

I held his gaze, there was a tick to his jaw before he let out heavy sigh, his stare no longer on me, but mine stays on him, not wavering a little.

"so you just let them kill our men? just like that?" a scoff was just resting on my throat- does he even cares for the men? they died because he left them to die.

looks like no one has anything to say.

or so i thought, the sick bastard beside me can't stay silent for a moment. "in our defence they were twenty plus men and we were just ten." he stated in a matter-of-fact way. everyone knows that he is just making up things because if there was trained men's then the twenty men was nothing.

"what were you doing then? playing batman with your son? " his left eye twitched at the mention of his son, even I feel the need to put some healthy amount of bullet in his skull.

He would have done the same too if the one asking the question was not the leader of the five families and unfortunately our sperm donor.

"Yes I was" he gave him one of his wicked curve of his lips, the old man just raised his eyebrows at him before turning his eyes to his most trusted man. he knows how much of a nauseating fucker his son could become if you poke him much.

my brother looked almost disappointed at the ignorance, guess he was looking for some bloodbath.

"Morelli" the man straightened his back at the call of his leader. all of them are his dogs. absolutely pathetic.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐈𝐓Where stories live. Discover now