03 | utter silence

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「 POV 」

THE SWEET SMELL OF VANILLA  was flowing in the air, the dough of the cookies were extra soft, making it simple for me to cut them in smaller pieces

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THE SWEET SMELL OF VANILLA  was flowing in the air, the dough of the cookies were extra soft, making it simple for me to cut them in smaller pieces.

the sound of my phone ringing bought me out of the sweet heaven of my bakery, I looked over and picked it up.


I placed the phone between my right shoulder and ear, "hey Zahra, did you forgot something?" she left just an hour ago after cleaning the counters and the place. I had to kick her out of here because she was having a bad headache and didn't wanted to leave.

"no I didn't, I called to ask if you left or not?" her deep throaty voice reached my ear, her tone was narrowed like accusing me of some crime.

Zahra is actually the co-owner of this Bakery alongside me, she is an excellent Baker and her blueberry muffins are to die for. on the outside she is like a grumpy and always annoyed looking person, but in reality she is just a sweetheart and she often reminds me of my mother because of her caring nature.

a short laugh left past my lips as I answered her, "no, I am still here. I was about to leave but then a cookie recipe came into my mind so I stayed " I picked up the cookie cutter and started cutting the cookie into different shapes.

"vi its late, you should have left an hour ago with me" before I could answer her and assure her that I am fine and nothing is going to happen- a sort-of-scream reached my ear.

my head snapped towards to transparent glass window, which was closed, for a second I thought that it was just in my mind when another scream echoed which was abrubtly cut off.

"vi? you hear me" my attention went back to zahra's voice but my eyes stayed on the window. seems like she didn't heard it which is a good thing because she will start worrying probably for nothing serious.

" oh? yeah I am hearing-" and suddenly a flash of something was seen on the other side of my bakery.

"Zahra you don't worry, I am just about to leave. and yeah I'll call you later" I didn't wait for her respond and went towards the window. I tried to see anything but darkness prevents me to see anything.

my hands shook a little in terror, what is happening? who was screaming in the dead of the night?

there was silence, utter silence which terrified me a little, I stepped back a little from the window. I clutched my hands trying to stop them from shaking so much.

I can't clearly see anything because of the darkness, the only light is the streetlights that is also flickering. it's almost felt like I am in some kind of movie.

I thought for a moment to go back, wait for a moment then eventually leave. just as I was about to turn back, a movement outside stopped me.

a man was walking out of the dark side of the street, the sound of a car engine made me flinch, I watch as the car came to a stop in front of the man, when my eyes went back to the man-

he was standing still, hands looks like they are in his pockets, his body was angled towards me. as much as I don't want to believe, I can feel that he is staring at me. I can feel his gaze on me.

can he really see me? or I am just imagining it. I decided to believe the latter, because there is no way he is really looking at me.

I stepped back and blinked my eyes a little, yeah I should just forget anything happened at all. I drew the curtains and covered the outside world.

i turned back and tried to get my focus back on my work. but my mind was still distracted by the man standing outside, or was. I was silently praying for him to leave.

he was terrifying.


I ended up staying at the room above the bakery, the room was actually zahra's idea because she thought it would be useful to have bedroom-like room in the bakery for certain times.

I am so thankful for her about that because last night was terrifying, I don't think it was safe for me to leave after the scene. and not to forget that man.

god, he looked so scary, standing in shadows.

I closed the door to the room after changing my clothes, I didn't have anything to wear, thankfully Zahra had some of her shirts here and I found a skirt of hers too, which is a size larger for me but I think I can manage.

I went to the kitchen after that and found James sitting on one of the stools, that's weird. he is never here this early.

"hey, you are early today" I said as I made my way towards the refrigerator where I put the cookies last night.

"yeah, I thought I should check up on you" James is the cake decorator, he is amazing at that. he is like a big brother to me. what I like the most about him is his cheery nature, he can make anyone's day.

"what do you mean?" he looked at me closely like looking for something, then he let out a huge sigh.

"you are okay right?" I frowned at his question, what does he meant by that, did he found out about the scary looking man?

I internally shook my head, I don't want to think about him at all. I should not.

"yeah I am okay, why are you asking me that?" he stood up and came towards me, I watched as he slowly lifted his both hands and put them on my shoulders.

"don't get scared okay?-" I nod my head at him, he opened his mouth and then closed it then opened it again, "- a man was found dead just two blocks away. the cops said that it was murder "

my eyes widened comically, I was here last night and a man was being murder just some miles away from me.

the man. I gulped down the lump growing in my throat. "but if you ask me, he kind of deserved that" I looked at James who was now munching on the frozen cookie.

"w-" I cleared my throat, "why?" my voice was almost like a whisper but he thankfully seem to hear it.

"he was into human trafficking, he was selling young girls to old men and forcing them to work at his club" my eyes are just about to come out of their sockets.

I thought this was a safe neighbour that is why me and Zahra choosed this place to build our bakery.

I think for a moment to tell James about the man I saw last time, because he looked suspicious right? but the fear prevents me from doing it, I can't involve him into something dangerous. James would want to help the cops and it will bring danger to him.

I can't afford to lose my friend, I gulped down the guilt, "are you okay Vi?" James looked at me with concern filled eyes. I realise that there is a thin sheet of sweat on my forehead.

I nod my head and managed to give him a small smile to ease him a little. "yeah I guess I am just shocked, anyways can you help me decorating the cookies now?"

he looked sceptical at first, but then compiled with me. "sure let's do that, and don't worry I am going to protect you okay" he dramatically put his fist on his chest, it brings a little laugh from me.

and I think I choosed to do the tight thing.


the FMC's pov!
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