01 | Prologue

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the clouds seems more darker than they ever did before, the house they had built with love and passion seems to hunting her right now.

he lied to me.

he lied to me.


a broken scream left past tearing her throat as she covered her mouth to not let out a voice that could alert the monsters lurking in her home.

"I know you are here" the gruff voice made her hiccup in silence, her whole figure was shaking, the milky skin of hers looked paler than usual.

the footsteps echoing in the silence, but she couldn't take a even a glimpse of the man from where she was hiding inside a cabinet.

clenching her eyes shut, she only wished for her husband to come get her from the predator wanting to hunt her.

her heart broke in to pieces remember his betrayal but all she could think now was his warm embrace where she had spent countless times. her cold naked skin to his hard warm body.

her eyes fly open at the loud sound of a door opening, she noticed the lack of sounds in the house.

she gulped down the saliva, was she going to die here? without seeing his face for the last time? without asking for an explanation from him? without saying good--

"-Where is my wife!?"

her eyes widened till they were about time pop out of her sockets.

he came.

he came for her.

he came here to save her.

she flung opened the door of the cabinet, ignoring the commotion that started after his arrival. -oh how she can't seem to believe he came.

she crawled in her fours, an attempt to shield her from any of the intruders sight, using the counters of the kitchen to block herself.

just as she was about to stand up, she felt a presence behind her, that made her stiffened on her place.

slowly, she turned her head to look behind her, and there stood the man, a gun hanging loosely in his hands, like he had no plans to kill her.

she tried to not show how scared she was but, but oh- who she was kidding? her whole form was shaking in immense fear .

"hey, it's okey I am not going to hurt you" was she supposed to believe that? she wants to though, as stupid as it sounds, she was ready to believe anything if that means she get to see her husband one last time.

the man started to take steps towards her, her lips quivered at that, her legs felt numb, like they were glued to the tilted floor beneath her.

she wants to turn around and run, run to where her husband is. where he is? he was here right? at that moment she had no idea if the voice she heard was real of a piece of her imagination.

the man -ever so slowly- lifted his hand to grab her, and she was still rooted in her place, she begged, she begged herself to do something. anything.

anything to get away from here.

the man's finger tips touched his arm and a loud bang resonated in the whole house, followed by a haul of pain.

she blinked her mist eyes and found the man in front of her clutching his arm, and without thinking she turned around ready to run again, only to get yanked forward by the force clutching his right arm.

she collided with the body she can recognise even in sleep. a sob left past her lips and without looking up to her solace, she clutched his collar and buried her face in his chest.

the next moment her feets left the ground as he lifted her to stuff his nose in her neck, he enhaled her like a mad mine taking his drugs.

"shh, it's okey, i got you" he whispered sweet nothings in her ear that she couldn't comprehend, all she could do was to sob in her fear, sob thinking about the terrors, thinking about the lies, thinking about the betrayal.

she pulled away, but he didn't let her go, his grip still the same around her waist, like he was afraid she would vanish if he let her go for even a second.

she just stared at his face, the beautiful face that greets her every morning, the same face that didn't indicate anything about his lies.

she opened her mouth at the same time he abrubtly turned her around, making her watch the intruder standing to his full height, and the next moment another loud sound of the gun firing echoed in the house.

and she felt it. she felt the impact, even so little but she felt how his body jerked in her embrace, how his grip tightened around her waist.

and with another two bullet that teared inside his back his grip loosened, as he fall unconscious in her arms.

"K-kai?" she fall down on her knees unable to bear his weight, she took his beautiful face in her trembling hands, she pats his cheeks.

"kai? w-wake up?" her voice was small, tiny droplets of tears fell from her eyes to his beautiful face, she sniffles.

she shook him to wake up, wake up and kiss her breathless like he always do, wake up and take her away from here.

"Kai!" his body was as still as a rock, like he was never a human before. her screams and cry of agony were not reaching his ears.

she clutched his head to her chest as she screamed his name countless times, begged him to wake up.

she looked up when she felt the man who took his love away from him standing in front of her with an unreadable expression on his face.

she felt immense anger and fury crawl inside her, "you killed him!" she accused and she felt stupid enough to accuse him for something he knew he did.

she looked around and found her husband's gun lying and with a swift movement -that surprised her- she picked it up and stood up in front of him aiming the gun at his chest, even though she knows close to nothing about shooting, but she knows at that moment she will kill him for snatching his husband from her.

"you are going to die " tiny sniffles left her, she clutched the gun tightly in her hand. her angry eyes fixed at him and a sense of familiarity wash over her before she showed it back, the loss of her husband over powered all the emotions inside her.

the man just stepped forward and tilted his head at her. " are you going to kill your own brother, malyshka?" with that the world came crashing down on her.


let's begin the journey again✨️

[Malyshka ; little girl.]

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