The City of Corruption

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Y/n = Your name

F/n = Father's name

Text = Thoughts


( F/n's pov )

Power is everything. 

The efficient tool to rule over those who are weaker. For a powerful country to have such a government that can be twisted and manipulated only for scums to use and thrive off, only the strong can truly rule.   

The Capital

Arriving to the main city of the Empire, an exclusive carriage moved through the streets before shortly making way to the Imperial Palace. It wasn't long before I made my way to meet a certain individual. 

Makoto: Mr. Mishima!

A child energetically rushed to meet me within the vacant throne room. But this wasn't some random child, I had to give respect by bowing. Mainly because this puny kid was the current emperor of this country. 

F/n: Greetings, your majesty. I hope you've been in great health.

Makoto: I am! I took your advice and started working on my body and-!

Honest: Ahem!

The individual cleared his throat loudly to attract the attention of the emperor. Then the child realized that he needed to regain his composure as emperor.

Makoto: Pardon me. 

He then returned to his throne before being his posture.  

Makoto: Ahem. Thank you for coming, F/n Mishima! 

I only bowed my head before rising up again. 

F/n: I came as soon as possible, your majesty.

Makoto: As you are aware, you've been a great asset as the Empire's Treasurer. Thus, I wanted to request that you may resign here in the Capital. It must be tiresome to move back and forth from your estate is it not?

F/n: Thank you for your concern, but I'm already head of you. I already have a place for my headquarters within the Capital.

Makoto: Does that you're staying?

F/n: Yes, it'll be my main branch soon. 

My reply made the emperor quite giddy. 

Makoto: Please, make yourself at home.

F/n: I will. 

My gaze secretly aimed at Honest, The Prime Minister. He responded to this with slight nod. It seems he has something to discuss later.

Though, that would soon come after I had explained the details of my plans to assist the country. It didn't take long before me and Honest gathered into a vacant room where we enjoyed wine.

Honest: I'm glad to see that your journey went smoothly, old friend.

F/n: Yes, it has been a while. But it seems things aren't going smoothly on your party, huh?

Honest was a little taken back by my superior insight.

Honest: Then it seems I don't need to beat around the bush.

F/n: You asking me to move my branch here would me that you're in need of a helping hand.

Honest: Yes, indeed. You see, the Rebel army and its assassin are becoming a true bane to me and my plans.

F/n: You're telling me that the generals can't handle this?

The revolutionary army, a band of ex-general and more , sought to overthrow the Empire of its corruption. And the strongest units they have are...

Honest: Night Raid. I assigned Esdeath a her team of teigu users recently to exterminate them... but it seems the task is harder than it looks.

Honest folded his hands, grinning of a proposal.

Honest: So how about we team up like old times, huh?

I crossed my arms before grinning with same amount of wickedness.

F/n: Sounds interesting, but you know that I want something in return.

Honest: Oh, I know that very well. At the end of this, the whole continent will be ours.

The atmosphere grew darker as our greed glew brighter.

F/n: Ah, that's right, the last time I gave you a hand, you became prime minister. Very well then.

We shaked hands. A great overwhelming darkness has risen with in the Empire.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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