
97 18 20

In numbers, there's a shadow cast,
A world where many find contrast,
From school grades to a bankroll vast,
These digits hold a grip so fast.

They label us with every test,
Grades on paper, they never rest,
But do they truly know our best,
Or leave our self-esteem oppressed?

In the realm of wealth and gain,
Money's numbers drive us insane,
A never-ending, relentless chain,
Where greed and stress are the only things we gain.

Social media's following count,
A digital chase; paramount,
Yet, does it truly amount,
To meaningful connections we surmount?

In numbers, some find their despair,
Comparisons, a heavy wear,
But let's remember, if we dare,
Life's worth is more than what we share.

For grades and money, followers too,
Don't define the essence of you,
In the end, it's kindness that's true,
Numbers fade, but hearts shine through.


[A/N: Here's a poetry for all the students who are struggling with their marks, for all the graduates struggling with their income, for people struggling with their social media followers. These numbers don't define you, you do that yourself. Don't overestimate them, you set your own standards. Keep on going! Comment your opinion, thoughts , critic or anything you want to so I could connect better with y'all! Have a nice day ahead...]

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