Unedited Chapter 3

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A/N; The picture above is what I imagine Bakugo Kaida to look like with her hair in her signature style, with the exception of her horns, and wings. I also found this on Pintrest, not my drawing, I make no claim on that.


That night ended with Kaida taking flight and racing off into the woods behind the house. She had no other ideas of where to go and she needed to find someplace to take stock of what just happened and what she has with her. Maybe even repack things.

So she went to the log.

The same log that Katsuki fell off of when he was leading their little group of friends around the woods when they were kids. When both she and Izuku had jumped in after him to make sure he was OK. Katsuki could find her here if she stayed here. There was a big tree that she could sleep in and be kept mostly dry. It would be a good temporary home.

When she got there she landed lightly on the log and sat overlooking the small river for a moment.

What had just happened?

She had just truly lost her family.

Granted, there was really only one person who was worth anything to her, but her father seemed to have had some sort of revelation there. Maybe he even was starting to love her again?

No, she can't let herself think that way. What if this was some sort of cruel punishment he was trying to use against her. Only to turn around and betray her again. Even if he was starting to care for her, the points against him were too many to be forgiven lightly.

As she stared into the indigo water, small ripples began to disturb the surface underneath her. Kaida looked up in fear that the weather had turned against her as well but say the clear starry sky above her.

Kaida looked again and noticed that the droplets that his the water were red. Her demonic tears were the cause. She laughed darkly. It was just like her to poison the towns water supply. She needed to move. This was probably not a good place for her to stay after all. Besides, she wouldn't want to taint the early childhood memory with her presence either.

So Kaida stood once again to leave, and almost fell into the river again as her broken leg buckled under the weight of her body and the three heavy bags she carried. Cursing, she spread her wings to steady herself, and took off as soon as she could. Hopefully, she didn't weaken the log so that many generations of kids could still wall across it. She was heavy enough without the big duffle bags she carried let alone with that extra weight.

Kaida could only hope she didn't already ruin the special place.

She can't even enjoy the feeling of flying when it was usually her one sure fire way to be free. The bags are too heavy, she is too tired, and her body still hurts from the fall down the stairs. Obviously her leg is still broken, despite her quirks faster healing ability.

Her pain keeps her focus on looking for a place to stay and not dying in the process, so she doesn't even notice the red feathers following her, or even the raven haired man on the rooftops below. Both of them watching her every move. But who could blame them. It's not every day that people see a literal western style demon taking to the skies carrying a heavy load. Even with quirks being a part of every day society.

No, Kaida doesn't even notice when those read feathers nestle themselves into her bags or when the red wings they belong to land next to the raven haird man.


The night passes by and Kaida spends it by sitting on her middle school's roof and organizing the things her brother and father packed for her. There were all of her clothes and school uniforms, her brothers All Might sleeping bag, All Might blanket, All Might Pillow, and the All Might plushie he had begged his parents for because he knew that she wanted it. She also had Katsuki's phone, laptop and wireless, noise canceling headphones and all of their chargers. Her father packed her a bunch of canned goods, breads, jams, and some cherries as they were in season.

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