Unedited Chapter 2

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The twins run around the school campus twice before turning out onto the streets and running a three mile trail through a nearby park. A challenge sparks between brother and sister, which fuels their exhausted bodies in a last sprint from the park to their house a mile away. With happy hearts and winded lungs, the Bakugos stand in front of their house, attempting to catch their breath, completely unaware of the tension building inside their supposed home.

Kaida is the first to catch her breath as she gazes apprehensively at the two story home just on the edge of a peaceful neighborhood. Something in her gut is twisting, and she can just tell that a storm is brewing behind her front door. Her mind races as she fumbles through her memories, trying in vain to figure out if she might have missed something, if she somehow made a major error.

Katsuki takes note of how his baby sisters face suddenly drops all signs of joy, almost as if she had never been happy in the first place. His narrowed red eyes glared at the seemingly happy home full of lies as he finally took notice of the tense aura surrounding the building. The twins glance at one another, their expressions like mirror opposites. Where Katsuki looked ready to jump into battle at the drop of a hat, Kaida just smiled and pretended nothing was wrong before taking a wavering yet brave step onto the porch.

Kaida squared her shoulders and pushed open the door, waltzing right in and stepping to the side so her brother could follow her. Not a single word was said as the twins took off their shoes at the front door while their overbearing parents glared daggers at the youngest Bakugo.

"Katsuki honey," the saccharine sweet voice of their mother coos, "go ahead and grab a snack from the kitchen if you want, but you should go to your room until dinner is ready. Your father and I need to discuss something with it."

The twins share a disbelieving look, both knowing that their mother was full of shit. But just as Kaida was about to smile encouragingly to get this whole beating over with, Katsuki stepped up in front of his sister and glared at his parents, "Her name is Kaida, you old hag. You should know, YOU PICKED IT!"

"KAIDA IS DEAD, YOU DUMBASS, THE THING BEHIND YOU ISN'T YOUR SISTER! NOW GO UPSTAIRS YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT!" Rage engulfed their mother, and Masaru gently stepped forward to haul Katsuki upstairs, but this time Katsuki had had enough.

Kaida knew that what would happen next would be utterly useless and only make her punishment thousands of times more horrible, but the fear that struck her has left her completely immobilized. She knows that her parents would never lay a hand on her precious brother, but she needed to do everything in her power to ensure that would never happen. So before things could go any further, she did what she did best and made things worse for herself.

"God kaachan, it's like you think I can't deal with my own problems. Get lost, I don't need you to get in my business. I'll deal with the hag and the old man, alright?" As each syllable left her lips, Kaida's body began trembling harder. Her brother knew she was full of shit, but her words irked him. How could she say that? After everything that he did to keep her alive, she wants to just throw herself to the wolves? For what? She's done literally nothing wrong!

Everyday they are up before dawn and stay out of the house together, and still, everyday when they finally get home she goes and cleans the whole house, does her homework, and hides in the attic. She would even be forced to cook if her mother wasn't convinced that she would poison the family and kill them all. "FUCK THAT KAIDA! YOU'RE NOT SOME DAMN MARTYR OFF TO BE SLAUGHTERED TONIGHT! GO! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE AND STAY OUT. YOU DONT NEED THEIR SHIT AND YOU FUCKING DESERVE A NIGHT OF FUCKING PEACE BEFORE TAKING THE UA ENTRANCE EXAM, SO DON'T YOU FUCKING LET THESE BASTARDS TOUCH YOU HAGESHĪ MONO!"

With those words Katsuki grabs your hand and pushes through his parents, fully intending to drag you into his room and protect you from them all night long if he had to. But she dragged her feet, a sinking feeling settling into her gut she she tried to make herself as small as possible and follow her brother. She tried so hard not to hope that her parents would let them wall by because they all knew how tonight was going to end. The small tremors in her brothers hand told her that he also knew that wouldn't work.

Hageshī Mono 激しいもの bakugo sister ocWhere stories live. Discover now