Unedited Chapter 4

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Despite Kaida's halfhearted protests, Katsuki kept a tight hold on his sister as he carried her through the city, calmly making his way to the front entrance of UA. The moment that the impressive walls surrounding the campus come in view, Kaida stops squirming and finally takes in the majesty that is UA School for Heros. "Wow, this place is impressive."

Silence envelops the Bakugo twins as both of them get lost in their own thoughts. Where Kaida can't help but wonder if she is worthy of such grandeur or of even becoming a hero, Katsuki is once again going over his plan on how he will become the #1 hero in the entire world. Neither of them break the silence when they walk through the gate, or the front doors, or even when they stand in front of the infirmary, both are too in awe of their surroundings. Even if only one of them is willing to admit it.

Slowly, Katsuki shifts his sister in his arms and knocks on the doors, hoping beyond hope that Recovery Girl is already here. 30 seconds go by before Katsuki looses his patience and starts banging on the door, "Open up! My sisters leg is broken and she can't do the stupid Entrance Exam if it's still broken!"

"TSU-NIICHAN! Chill bro chill! That's not how you get people to help you damn!"

As Kaida opens her mouth to admonish her twin again the door to the infirmary opens and a quaint old woman looks up at the two teenagers, "Well hello there, you two are here to take the entrance exam? How did you break your leg and why did you come here?"

"I took a tumble down the stairs you see, haha, and unfortunately coming to you was our best option at the time. We had to wait a little while for you to get here, and with the fast healing my quirk gives me, it looks like it may have started to heal wrong." The old woman gives the kids a good looks with narrowed eyes, obviously trying to see if they are what they say they are.

"I see... well I guess you two better come in. We can't have a crippled student take the entrance exam and potentially ruin their chances to get into the school. You're lucky dthat you got here so early and that the written portion starts at 10am this year. My quirk will heal you quite fast, but it'll make you very tired indeed. And I'm sure that tumble down the stairs may have given you other injuries."

Katsuki sets Kaida down on the nearest bed and plops down on the chair next to it with a humph. His sister rolls her eyes at him and giggles, "You can ignore Mr. Grumpy Gus over here. He's never been a morning person."


"Oh? What happened last night dearies?"

Kaida sends a withering glare at her twin who just mirrors her before she turns her dazzling smile towards the old woman, "Well, technically I fell down the stairs last night, but my quirk is Demon, and when I activate it my demon form will reset any bones and heal them usually. But I think I stood up on it too fast and messed it up, that's why my leg is curved right now."

"I see. Well, I can help you reset the bone, but I'm afraid it will be none too pleasant. Do you have any other injuries I should know about?"

"My back and my wings are really sore, more so than the rest of my body that isn't cut or bruised.  I may have a concussion. Then there are the cuts and bruises, you can see most of the bad ones as they are on my head."

"Don't forget the burn mark."

"I was getting to that." Kaida warns Katsuki who mocks her and rolls his eyes, "and yeah. The burn mark. But that should be healed by now."

The old woman stares at the two teens, watching their interactions with one another. They are obviously twins, most likely identical. But the girls injuries are concerning to Recovery girl. Burn marks don't usually accompany falling down the stairs. "I see. I'll do a thorough physical exam before I start healing you. I may leave the cuts and bruises for you to heal on your own as I don't want to exhaust you before you take the exam. Have you eaten today and have you taken an ly medications?"

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