Yandere Sun Wukong

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Note: any version of him can be interpreted as the character in this story


its 1am and yeah im starting off with a yandere, my head is literally out of ideas 😭(also I've never written yanderes so im practicing using these)


You quickly ran through the forest with a pounding heart, ignoring how the twigs and thorns from the tall trees managed to cut through your skin. It didn't matter how much injuries you got while running, as-long as you'd be able to escape; it's better than being caught by him, after all.

Wasn't he your hero?

Streams of tears unwillingly fell from your eyes as you continued your desperate escape, the night that befell upon the forest did not help your blurry sight, despite this, you kept running.

Your body flinched when you heard a twig crack from behind you, causing you to almost fall. Fear quickly struck your heart as you urgently got yourself together and began running faster than you ever have as you ignored your aching feet. He couldn't have already realized you escaped, right? It's only been 4 minutes, he wasn't supposed to be back in an hour!

How were you even going to escape the island? He broke your boat when you fell stranded here when you firstly met him! You should have thought this through. But you can't go back now, you won't.

He was supposed to save you, not hurt you

As you continued your aimless run, a loud thump echoed from the highest mountain's cave where he had previously kept you which caused the whole island to vibrate, you froze for a moment in fear as you heard his voice yell out in anger. Then there was silence—only for it to be cut short as a loud thump vibrated through the ground you stood on; he finally began chasing you down.

Your heart thumped nervously and you quickly span around, almost twisting your leg.

In the spur of the moment you quickly dashed towards a wide tree with an open trunk, wide enough for you to hide in as the nights darkness give you aid for a shadow fell over your form, allowing you to easily blend in more. You knew it would only take him a matter of seconds to track down your location, it's impossible to hide from him after all, but you wanted to prevent the inevitable for as long as you could.

He said it was because he loved you

You waited for a long while, it was unnatural. Silence consumed the island as not even a sound from a cricket could be heard, the fact only made you grow more nervous.


You heard another twig snap from outside the tree trunk you hid within, it was close by. You nervously placed a tight grip over your mouth and closed your eyes shut as you held in a breath. The sound of your thumping heart beating in your ears as footsteps began to grow louder and louder, until....it stopped.

your eyes remained shut and you waited there in silence.

a moment passed and you began to think that maybe he wasn't able to found you yet. A gleam of hope rose inside you, yet that was instantly taken away once a light hot breeze passed your face, almost as if someone was breathing directly in-front of you. Your eyes opened slowly, afraid to face whatever it was.

"I found you."

A pair of red raging eyes stared at you through the tree trunks gap causing a momentary gasp to escape from your lips before his arm quickly reaches inside to grab you and tightly grasped his hand onto your arm, sharp nails digging into your skin as he roughly pulled you out.

What a lier

You almost fell onto the ground if not for his painful and binding grip, a yelp of pain echoed in your hoarse throat after he pulled you out and harshly slammed your back to the tree. His other hand instantly slammed on the tree beside your face, his nail digging into the wood, leaving a trail of scratches.

you were more than afraid to face him so you kept your gaze to the ground as your body unwillingly trembled under his towering figure.

"Look at me."

It was a stern command, you could tell from his voice that he was really furious so you knew better than to ignore his words and obliged despite being too scared to even look at him directly.

You wished you didn't.

His eyes held a burning anger which you have never seen before as his sharp tooth peaked from his snarl. You have never seen him THIS mad before. You were afraid of what he might do to you, now that he caught you again.

If he truly did love you...

"I gave you 2 chances peaches, and yet you keep trying to escape; despite the fact that I give you everything anyone could ever want, you remain uneasy and desperate to leave me..." he looked down as he paused for a bit, a shadow covering his expression "I don't like that at all you know." His nails dug even tighter into the wood before he finally looked back into your eyes, his furious expression erased with a crazed grin.

"But I think I finally understand why...you don't think your worthy enough for me, do you, peaches?" His tone vastly shifted and you knew you heard his chuckle a bit behind his words. He was insane.

You were about to say something back until you felt something soft wrap around your waist and you alarmingly looked down only to see that it was his tail, the hand he used to claw the tree quickly tilted your chin up as he unexpectedly smashed his lips against yours, pulling your gaze away from below as his eyes remained open, hypnotizingly staring into your wide ones.


Your mind racing alarm bells from the sudden kiss, yet you were too focused to notice that his other hand had gripped your two wrist together and placed a familiar golden crown onto it that shrunk into the size of a bracelet.

As you finally noticed something placed around your two wrist that bound it together, he slowly pulled away and cupped your cheek all the while looking at you lovingly with a softened gaze.

"it'll be alright peaches, ill rip anyone who ways your not worthy enough for me into shreds" he smiled kindly, almost convincing enough to look genuine "although..." he frowned into a slight pout "I suppose I need to train you not to escape" he sighed "i thought I didn't have to, you could have really hurt yourself out here you know" he playfully pouted before bringing back his smile and bringing his head down to kiss your forehead.

"Now lets go back home peaches, I hope you don't make thus a habit, especially when you carry our little ones in the future" he smiled at you as the moon above shone over his face as if igniting innocent kindness. Your eyes widened at the sight and a shadow fell over your face as you looked away while holding in your tears.

You wouldn't even be here in the first place

"Your so cruel Sun Wukong" you turned to gaze up at him with a false smile and eyes filled with nothing but emptiness "I will never love you."

Wukong's eyes merely widened at you, before a soft chuckle left his lips.


BYE THIS SUCKED ASS WHAT WAS EVEN HAPPENING IN THE STORY ((help I finished this at 2:07am, I still have to wake up at 5am for school later 💀)) anyways ill add more tags when I write more abt different fandoms

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