Yandere Winter King (EP:6 & 7 Spoilers)

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Yandere Winter King x Reader: what if simon, fionna, and cake accidentally dropped their universal jumping remote while in the universe where vampires continued to rule over Ooo?

WARNINGS: EP 6&7 Spoilers


Doing Winter King x GN reader rn since im so hooked on "The Adventure of Fionna & Cake" rn like omfg its so good





It was just an accident, you didn't mean to press the remote. What was it even doing on the ground? One moment you were grabbing a random weapon to protect yourself from a vampire and the next you got transported to a different place;

Your body shivered as you rubbed your arms for warmth, teeth clanking as you looked around the unfamiliar snow filled land. Houses made out of ice laid on the slippery ground and you couldn't help but fascinate at the jolly atmosphere, it was far better than looking at the vampire infested wasteland you called Ooo.

You wanted to call out for anyone but before you could take a step, you accidentally slipped on the ice and a loud yelp left ur lips before you fell on the ground; as your ass crashed on the hard ice, a loud crunch could be heard from your back pocket and you pulled out a now broken remote...

"Great..." you grumbled as you rubbed your behind. As you heard the flapping of wings and felt a cold wind breeze from above you, you looked up with curiosity and saw a large penguin like creature. It landed heavily on the ground causing a few white snow to fly around and fog your view.

Swatting it away, a figure stepped down from the magical penguin and approached your fallen form, you tried to squint to take a look at their fogged face and finally, as they got close; you got a clear view of their face and...

"Who the hell are you?"

The unfamiliar man chuckled before lending a hand down towards you "I go by the name Winter King" a kind smile laid on his face and as you took his chilly hands to get up, you realized that his skin was blue and a crown laid atop his long white hair.

'This guy isn't a vampire right? I don't see any fangs...' your brows furrowed as you tried to figure the man out and as he noticed your confused complexion, his smile remained and he simply tilted his head. "I don't think I've seen you before, but if I may ask, what's with all the injuries?" He asked with worry in his voice, referring to the visible cuts and bruises on your arms since you were wearing a tank top with a jacket tied around the waist of your pants.

You dusted off the snow off your clothes before looking back at him, pondering if its ok to tell him ur not from here, if he tries anything funny you could always beat him up...probably.

"um, believe it or not; I'm from another world infested with a ton of vampires and I accidentally just ended up here because of this...I think its broken now though..." you showed him the remote and he leaned in with an amused face as he adjusted his glasses.

"Fascinating!" He exclaimed, leaning up before he clapped his hands. "I think I may or may not be able to fix that, may I?" He expressed enthusiastically before reaching out a hand, asking to borrow the remote to take a closer look at it. You beamed at the news and placed the broken remote onto his palm.

As he brought the remote closer to his face with a hand on his chin, a cold wind breezed pass you and you couldn't help but shiver as you brought your hands to rub your arms again, The winter king took notice of this from the side of his eye and turned to face you.

Random x Readers || Short Drabbles/One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora