Saturday shopping

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'OK so you wait in the car, we'll be back in like 4 hours or whatever.' Sandi says bluntly into the eyes of a hopeful boy who thought he could score, so delusional, its sad. He retorts,'But you said I could-' Sandi sharply cits him off witht he slam of her car door. The four fashonistas model walk down the mall, 'let's get some shoes, I need the new Jelly heels I saw in Waif for summer,' Sandi stated.

'Welcome to shoe Palace, you can talk to the front desk if you are in need of assistance,' a woman greeted. Stacy made an awkward smile to the lady as Sandi grimaced without eye contact. 'Omg, these heels are so cute,' Tiffany validly said. ' yea they really are Tiffany you should get them,' Stacy always tried to be a supportive friend, even to those who obviously didnt like her, she felt helpless in that way; she felt as if she was just a replaceable poser who got lucky being popular. 'Hey Stacy,' Quinn beckoned, 'help me pick between mauve and eggplant, I'm having a total crisis,' Quinns foot slid out of the eggplant heel, her toes pedicured with a clear gloss making them shine in the fluorescent lights of the store. How is every part of her body sexy? Stacy pondered to herself. 'So, what do you think?' Quinn asked, batting her eyelashes. 'Both are nice, but the mauve one is hot whereas the eggplant one is cute, so get which one you think would be better.' 'Thanks, I was going for hot. My dates are like way boring, I want to get a bit more out of the boys.' Ca-Ching, 'thanks for shopping at Shoe Palace, remember the 10% discount for next time!

'III needd a neww lipglloosss,' Tiffany spent a minute saying. Quinn remembered 'Stacy, you totally need to buy the Strawberry Charry gloss. It looked so cute on you!' Her heart stopped. Quinn just called me cute! Stacy practically bounced down the hallways, trying not to skip with glee. 'Quinn thinks I'm cute!' She said again and again to herself. She mustered out the words 'Thanks for reminding me.Quinn, it's so cute,' a short pause, 'and like wow, you picked it out of all of the lipglosses so cool.' Oh shit, did I just screw up, I sound so flustered and desperate, Stacy raced over the thoughts. She was worried that she sounded panicked, which made her panic, the insecure friend paradox. By the time she stopped living in her head, she noticed that the others were on another topic. 'No, turquoise eyeshadow can't be better than blue eyeshadow, blue eyeshadow is way cuter and matches more,' Sandi remarked. 'Yeeaa Sandiii,' Tiffany said slowly. Stacy often wondered if Tiffany was high because of how she talked, but she kept her mouth shut, as she does on most things. Her insecurity is unseen until she speaks, so she doesn't speak much.

At the counter, the woman looked at them, seeing easy customers, 'you four look like girls who know a nice eyeshadow, fresh in yesterday from France, the best neutrals of this season.' The cash register beeped as each girl left with a pallette and lipgloss. Next is obviously...

The girls approached their final shop, Cashman's, it always has the hottest clothes. The staff there, Theresa greeted them by name, they were regular buyers. They ran through the racks, pillaging all of the cutest and trendiest clothes. They wandered off to the changing rooms, each going into a stall with $150 of merchandise.

Sandi called out 'Omg this is so cute,' Tiffany, caught up in her vanity spun around in the mirror, 'cuuttee,' she mumbled. 'Hey Stacy, the zippers hard to get up. Can you help me?' Quinn called over. Stacy was so happy that she got  a chance to touch Quinn.

Stepping into the small stall, the lights shined down on them, making shadows on the pastel blue walls. Stacy zipped her up, 'Thanks Stacy,' Quinn smiled, ' how does it look, she says showing off her outfit,' 'Wow it looks so cool, would've thought pink and blue would be in this season,' she smiles back. 'And Stacy yours is cute, eggplant is so in right now,' Stacy blushed, loss for words. A happy smile glazed her face, her eyes widened and shining.

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