My ceral had milk, I swear

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'Hey Trent,' 'Hey Daria, Jane's in her room,' he says, letting her in. Daria made her way down the hallway, dodging the random guitar on the floor.

'Hey, come in,' Jane said, fixing her lipstick. 'So, you dragged me along, good job,' daria said I a bored sarcastic tone. 'Come on, it will be fun, plus Upchuck is singing in his one man band, apparently he plays the harmonica,' 'that does sound tempting,' Daria jokes back.

'So, what do you think?' Jane said, turning around, making poses mocking the fashion club. 'Jane your scaring me,' Daria replied with a laugh. 'So is the bet still on?' 'You know it,'

Jane paused for a second, 'have you had lunch? I'm hungry let's get pizza before it starts,' 'Sure,' Daria replied.

'Trent can you drive us,' Jane shouted out. His raspy voice replied, 'Sure, let's go.' Jane and Daria walk out to see him staring and a bowl of ceral, 'what you doing Trent?' Jane prods, 'I thought I put milk in, where did it go?' He replies narrowing his eyes. 'OK Trent,' Jane replied, pushing Daria out.

'I think he's stoned,' Jane says, Daria laughs a reply.

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