Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

For the next few days, I avoided the kitchen at times Ben was likely to be seen. That didn't stop me watching him work though, through the various bedroom windows in the house. I think House wasn't helping matters though as when I heard a weird sound coming from the basement, I dutifully left the main library to have a look. However, when I got downstairs, it was only to find Ben standing at the sink in an exact mirror of a few nights ago.

Before I could retreat, he turned, almost as if sensing me there. "Hi."

"Hi." I looked around the kitchen while Ben looked at his hands. "What are you...?"

At the same time Ben said "I'm here because..."

We laughed awkwardly and I gestured Ben to go first.

He cleared his throat. "I was in the boot room and I had the weirdest sense that something was wrong in here. I felt drawn towards the sink so maybe something is wrong with the plumbing."

"There is nothing wrong with the plumbing and you know it. I had the whole house checked two weeks ago."

Although, it was slightly strange, how the two of us had ended up here together when we were trying to avoid one another. Maybe House was playing matchmaker between us. House and I would be having stern words about that. Maybe it would help if I brought Oliver over here so that House could see I had someone I loved already.

"I am sorry about the other night Ella. I don't know what came over me. You just looked like you hadn't had a great evening and something in me wanted to try and make it better."

I didn't like that Ben had assumed how my date went, even if he had hit the nail on the head. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have kissed you back. Let's just put it behind us and carry on with our lives."

Ben nodded, a fleeting look of sadness flitting across his features. "I have the plant catalogue for you to look at. For the walled garden."

"Thanks." I said with forced enthusiasm. "Also, while I have you, I'm going to go ahead with Grandma's plans to open a hotel. It makes sense, I can't live here all alone and I definitely cannot sell, Vincent might get his grubby little hands on it otherwise. Besides, House and I have formed a friendship of sorts. I couldn't leave now."

The house gurgled in response, as though agreeing with me.

"That is a wonderful idea. This house was made to be filled with people. It doesn't like being empty for too long."

"It does mean that I'll have a never ending list of jobs for you to do."

Ben smiled. "That's okay. It is my job after all. I'll take more of those chocolates from the other night if your boyfriend is ever feeling generous."

I smiled back, our easy friendship coming back. "I've started on the main library. My thoughts are to make it public so that guests can read the books, use the library. I'll move the more valuable books into the small library and I need to source some children's books."

"Leave that one with me, I know a few charity shops and people who will donate good quality books."

"Thank you Ben, that's a massive help. The bedrooms are all nearly done, I just want to give them finishing touches. And I'm going to open up the attic rooms. My thinking is that people won't mind the servant's stairs, they are paying for the experience of staying in a grand house like this."

"Are you going ahead with the pool?"

"Yes, but I'll get a contractor in for that and that way the both of us can concentrate on the inside. I want to be open for the start of June, catch the summer crowd."

"That's not very far off, are you sure you can manage it?"

I nodded. "Absolutely, Grandma had all the room prepared so they don't need much doing to them. And it's like you said, House needs people in it."

"Okay then. Whatever you need, I am at your service." He mock bowed and left the kitchen to go upstairs to take a look at a bathroom on the first floor.

I think that if I asked him to service me, he would oblige, happily even. But I have a boyfriend so I needed to put all thoughts of Ben out of my mind and instead concentrate on Oliver.  

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