Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Ben, I have an idea."

Ben groaned. "Not another one. Come on Ella, the house is opening to the public tomorrow. What more could you possibly want to add to it?"

I laughed. Mine and Ben's to do lists had been never ending, only easing off slightly this last week. "I was thinking, we could make Button Cottage into a honeymooners suite. Give new couples a bit of privacy, they could do their own cooking and not see any other guests if they want a small stroll outside. But they could still have access to the main house and the pool, if they wanted."

"There's one problem there honey. Someone..." Ben pointed to himself. "...already lives there."

"Well I thought you could move into Periwinkle House. With me."

I sat in silence for a beat, letting the information sink in.

"Are you asking what I think you are asking?"

"Ben." I took his hands in mine. "Will you move in with me? I love you and I really want to wake up with you every morning."

"I love you too. And yes, I'll move in with you. Do you think you'll have enough space for all my stuff though, your place is pretty small." Ben's eyes twinkled with mirth as he grinned down at me.

I leant up and kissed him, letting all my emotions pour into this one kiss. Ben's arms came round my waist, holding me in his embrace, solid and warm. "So Mr Button, can I show you to your rooms? I think that you'll really enjoy your time at Periwinkle House."

He swept me off my feet and flew up the stairs to my, our room on the third floor. I looped my arms round his neck, holding close to this glorious feeling.

The next morning, I woke up to a heavy weight across my stomach and gentle snores coming from behind me. I grinned to myself, turning slowly so that I wouldn't wake Ben. I swept a small lock of hair out of his eyes as he slowly came awake, blinking against the morning sunlight.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Morning. Sorry for waking you."

He kissed me, soft and sweet before replying, "You didn't, I've been awake for a little while."

"Perv, watching me sleep."

He pulled me closer, every part of our bodies touching. "If it wasn't for the fact that we have guests turning up this afternoon, I don't think we would be able to leave this bed." Ben kissed a butterfly light trail down my jaw and neck, leaving a small bite on my shoulder.

"If you don't stop that then we definitely won't be leaving any time soon."

Ben placed a scorching kiss on my lips. "Later then." He rolled off me and got out of bed, walking into the bathroom.

"Do you want to move your stuff in here this morning? If we are as busy as I think we are going to be, then I don't think we'll have much time for anything else."

"Sure." He stopped at the bathroom door, "Just as long as you come and show me how this shower works."

I giggled. "You know full well how that shower works, you installed it."

"Maybe I've forgotten." He smiled innocently.

"Alright, maybe just this once." I dropped the sheet I had been clutching and sauntered over to join Ben. I looped my arms round his neck and his arms came round my waist, like two pieces of a jigsaw. We stumbled into the shower, pulling the curtain closed behind us where we spent more time soaping each other's backs than we meant to.

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