Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Darling, you know that I've got an early meeting tomorrow. I wish I could come back with you, nothing would make me happier but I have to be in the city for eight tomorrow morning. Maybe another time?"

I nodded, knowing that it was a lost cause. Oliver had been to see the house once and even then, he had barely glanced in each room before leaving. I watched as he tapped away at his phone. He hadn't put it away since we sat down, I knew he was busy working at his father's firm but everyone deserved a lunch break. I had left the library in disarray to meet Oliver for lunch and he couldn't even put his phone down for the time it took to eat a panni!

"Remember dad wants us both at that fundraiser tomorrow night. Seven sharp." Oliver added, still not looking up from his phone.

"Tomorrow? Oh Oliver, I can't tomorrow. I have the diggers coming to make a start on the pool and about a million other things to do. And you know I hate these stuffy things."

"Sorry, you have to be there. Mum and dad are expecting you. And I can't show up alone, what will the shareholders think?"

Oliver went back to his phone, tapping away without waiting for my response. Did he seriously believe that I would drop everything just to go to some boring fundraiser for his company? And in that moment, I knew. This relationship wasn't going anywhere, Oliver didn't care about me or Periwinkle House. He only cared about me as an accessory on his arm and how amazing I could make him look in front of his business colleagues. How could I have been so stupid? How had I only just realised? I thought back over our time together and realised that not once had Oliver brought me something I actually liked, he never asked about my day or what I had been doing, he never took an interest in me and if I'm being honest the sex wasn't great. And the one time he met Grandma, he was rude and obnoxious to her.

"Oliver, this isn't going to work. We are done." I picked up my bag and stood up. "Don't call me, don't text me, we are over."

Oliver looked up at that. "Darling, what about the benefit tomorrow?"

"That's not my problem anymore. And I'm not your darling!" I left the restaurant and walked over to the car.

I got into my car, expecting tears to come but nothing. If anything, I felt relieved, free. I drove back to Periwinkle House grinning at the weight taken from my shoulders. I parked around the side of the house like I had taken to doing and practically danced into the kitchen. Ben's boots were laying by the boot room door so he must be either in the kitchen or somewhere in the house. I walked in to the kettle boiling on the hob.

"I saw your car and I thought you might like a cuppa."

"Sure. There's some chocolate hobnobs in the cupboard above your head."

He got the packet down but instead of opening them, he just fiddled with the pull tag.

"Ben, is everything okay?"

"No, actually it's not. I can't contain myself any longer. You shouldn't be with Oliver. He doesn't treat you right, he belittles you and this gorgeous house. He doesn't appreciate you for you. And he certainly doesn't love you. He is not the man you should be with."

I put my bag down on the kitchen table while I fought off a smile. "And what man should I be with then Ben?"

He crossed the few feet between us in two strides, gathering me up in his arms. "Me." He said before slamming his lips on to mine.

I responded in kind, matching his fire, his passion. His hands roamed over my body, before settling on my ass, lifting me up, encouraging my legs to wrap around his waist. Without breaking the kiss, he sat me on the kitchen counter, his hands going back to mapping out my body, his lips moving over mine.

He broke the kiss but didn't move. "You should be with me." Now his hands came round to cup my face. "I can't ask you to end your relationship just for me. How can I be that selfish? I didn't mean to kiss you again, it just sort of happened."

"Ben, I broke up with Oliver this afternoon." I whispered. "You are right, he didn't love me, I was a means to an end. Besides, I realised I may like the gardener a little too much to be in a relationship with another man." I ended the statement with a quick kiss.

Ben deepened my quick kiss, pressing our bodies together. I tried reaching down to tug at his belt but he stayed my hands. "As much as it pains me to say, I don't want to sleep with you. Not here and not before taking you out on a proper date first."

I nodded, I understood. I wanted the dates and the romance, something I had realised was lacking from my relationship with Oliver. Didn't stop me from wanting Ben right here, right now. I settled for one more lingering kiss.

"You had better make that date soon Mr Button. I'm not sure how long I can wait to have my way with you."

He grinned. "How about lunch tomorrow? I'll get mum to make some fresh bread and soup. You could come down to Button Cottage."

"I would love that. I haven't actually seen the cottage yet."

"I know it's not a fancy restaurant but mum's bread is really good."

I kissed him again. "Lunch in your cottage is perfect, I would like nothing more."

We kissed again and when he left I stared at his ass, knowing that now I could stare for as long as I wanted, without feeling guilty about it. I put the cups away and went to get on with some work around the house. As I left the kitchen, I swear House purred in happiness. 

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