Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

At half eleven I left the house through the boot room to walk down to Button Cottage. How had I lived here for three months now and not seen the cottage yet?

As I neared, I smoothed over my floral dress. It had taken me an hour to choose what to wear, not wanting to go overboard but wanting to impress. Last night I had shaved my legs despite telling myself that I wouldn't sleep with Ben on the first date. I had just gotten out of a relationship for crying out loud.

A tiny voice in my mind reminded me that things between Oliver and I had been broken for a while before I officially ended things. And there were those delicious kisses from Ben to think about.

I knocked on the cottage door and Ben opened it. He had changed out of his dirty, scruffy jeans and put on a fresh clean pair with a new shirt. He had obviously just had a shower as well, I could still smell the soap he had used.

"Come on in. Do you want the guided tour?" Ben seemed nervous as I stepped past him straight into the living room.


The front door closed behind me and I took in the room I was standing in. It was cosy, a squishy looking sofa dominating the room with a small coffee table sitting in the middle of the room.

"No TV." I observed.

"I don't really watch much TV so I didn't see the point in getting one. I prefer spending all my time outside, either working or reading under the apple tree."

A small kitchen fed through from the doorway and I poked my head in. It was clean, tidy, a loaf of bread sitting on the table and a saucepan of soup on the hob.

"I'll put that on when we have finished the guided tour. It won't take a minute to heat up."

Through the kitchen was a narrow hall way and Ben pointed out the bathroom. Then he pushed open the door nearest to us to reveal his bedroom. I gulped, looking around, trying not to let my mind wander down the very dangerous path that this was his bedroom.

"Button Cottage is lovely, it's so quaint. I love it here!" I turned around but didn't make it any further as Ben was standing right in front of me. I let my eyes travel up his chest, to his face, lingering on his lips before looking into his eyes.

"I really want to kiss you right now." I breathed.

He leant down towards me. "Do it then."

I didn't need telling twice. I brought my hands round the back of his neck and pulled his head down to mine. Our lips met in a fierce explosion, the kiss intense and making my knees go weak. Now when I went for Ben's belt, he didn't stop me, his hands too busy roaming my body and then unclasping my bra through the fabric of my dress.

"I think lunch may have to wait awhile." I murmured against Ben's lips. He just kissed me again.

I pulled Ben closer to me, making sure that no space remained between us. We stumbled back into the room and I pulled Ben's t-shirt off. I reached down and lifted my dress up by the hem, pulling it up my body and over my head. Ben took it from me and flung it somewhere, I didn't see where. I drank in the sight of a topless Ben, his muscles hard and taut from a lifetime of working outside gardening. He removed his jeans and grabbed hold of me again. Our lips met and our hands explored as Ben pushed me back onto the bed, quickly following me. He pressed me into the bed, our bodies fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle, made to be together.

Ben kept kissing me as his fingers trailed down my stomach, his fingers leaving a blazing trail along my skin. He broke off and hovered above me, his fingers hooked into my knickers. "Are you sure about this? You have only just broken up with Oliver."

"Shush, let's not mention that asshole. Yes Ben, I want you now."

He kissed me quick and hard and slipped off my pants. He shed his boxers, slid on a condom and laid back down with me. With one thrust he entered me, pushing in until all I knew was him. He started to move and I couldn't help the sounds of pleasure escaping my mouth. With Oliver I had always had to fake it, he had never once made me feel so alive. But with Ben, it felt so amazing, the way he moved, the feel of him inside of me. He kissed me again, trailing his lips down my throat and leaving a small bite on my shoulder. I wrapped my legs round his waist, anchoring him to me as I felt my release building up. Ben thrust harder into me, planting his lips on mine as I started to cry out, swallowing my cry.

With one final thrust, I felt Ben's release inside me and then he pulled out and we lay back on the bed, panting. Ben disposed of the condom by knotting it and throwing it on to the floor.

"Ella, we were supposed to have lunch before we did this. I was planning on wooing you."

I propped myself up on my elbow, looking down at Ben. "I've been wanting to jump your bones every time you walk into a room. I think I can forgive you."

"Are you sure about this? I don't want you to rush into anything. And I also don't want to just be your rebound."

I gazed at Ben lovingly. I don't know what I did to deserve this amazing man but I was going to savour it for as long as I could. "Ben, you are most definitely not a rebound for me." I ran my fingers lightly over his chest and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. "Now, do we have to have lunch right now because I can think of a few things I would rather be doing."

Ben grinned. "Hmm, we'll have to be quick, my boss likes to keep me busy all hours of the day." He kissed me, his tongue flicking against my lips.

I giggled. "She sounds like a right tyrant. You should probably quit and then we can spend more time in this glorious cottage, and especially this bed."

Ben flipped us over at that point, silencing any more retorts with a scorching kiss. I was immensely glad that the soup wasn't on yet so much in fact, that we ended up eating it nearer to the evening than lunch.

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