Physical Therapy:

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The nurse walked back into the room with a cast that would support Tommy's back.

The group watched as she helped Tommy sit up and strap the cast around his waist.

She supported him as he tried his best to sit up. Eventually, he was sat up straight and the nurse helped him to get into the chair.

Once he was in the chair, the group watched as he wheeled over to the laptop and picked it up.

"What are you doing Thomas?" The nurse asked. "Tommy. And my friends are on discord and want to come with me." Tommy explained.

The nurse smiled and waved at the camera before pushing Tommy's wheelchair to the physical therapy room.

When they arrived, Tommy was now in the middle of two bars.

The nurse took the laptop and placed it on a counter top where the group could see Tommy.

A man walked into the room and smiled at Tommy. "You must be Thoma-" He started but was interrupted by Tommy.

"Tommy." The boy corrected. "Right. Tommy. I'm James, I'll be making sure you're ready before leaving the hospital." The man said with a smile as he kneeled in front of Tommy.

Tommy nodded with a small smile. He introduced the man to his friends and he waved at the camera before turning back to Tommy.

"Now to start, do you have any objectives? It's good to have a goal in mind, it will keep you motivated and make you reach for something. It's like something you want to be able to experience in the end." The man asked.

Tommy thought for a minute before nodding slightly.

"I want to be able to go on a trip with the rest of my friends by the end of the week." Tommy explained with a grin.

The group smiled. They were proud of him.

James looked shocked but smiled. "That's quite a goal. But I'm sure if you put in the work you can do it." The man encouraged with a smile.

Tommy smiled and nodded before the lesson started.

In the middle of the lesson, the man helped Tommy up so it looked like he was standing as he gripped the bars.

He was like that for a minute before he started panting tiredly and trying to stay up.

The instructor slowly sat him down as he caught his breath.

The group watched with concern as Tommy tried again but James told him to catch his breath first.

Tommy frowned and looked at the ground.

"Lets take a break. I'll have lunch and be back in no time." James said softly.

He walked off along with the nurse. She had gone a while ago.

Tommy was now left alone in the room with the group on the laptop.

They watched as Tommy zoned out.

After a minute, Tommy suddenly gripped the bars. He made sure he had a strong grip on the bars before taking a deep breath and trying to lift himself off the ground.

After a minute he fell back down into the chair in pain. He tried again and again as tears streamed down his face.

Philza: Mate! Don't push yourself too much!

The group was concerned and worried for the boy but admired his determination.

Tommy: I'm fine Phil!

Tommy said before taking a deep breath and gripping the bars again with pure determination.

After a minute, he lifted himself again and struggled as he grunted in pain but kept going.

The group watch in shock. They knew he was hardworking, but he is willing to go through so much pain to just go on the trip.

Now that was admiring and made the group smile sadly.

They watched as he hunched his shoulders and used his upper body strength.

He was upright. He was balancing as he stabilized himself.

Tommy let out a joyful laugh. As he shouted in victory for finally doing it. He was smiling brightly as he balanced himself.

The group smiled and awed at how happy he was with himself, and he should be.

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