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19𝗍𝗁 𝖡𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗁𝖽𝖺𝗒


Today is the day Nicolle Gonzalez turns the age of 19 years old. It was Saturday so she was able to get some sleep in after last night's game. She did go out to celebrate a bit with her brothers, Pablo, Blade, and Ansu, it was a chilled dinner, despite being the only girl she enjoyed.

But it was fair to say that she wasn't able to wake up properly as her brothers came barging in, singing at the top of their lungs along with some party horns and throwing confetti all over her room.

She chuckled as she rubbed her eyes and sat up straight on her bed watching the two dance around her room with joy.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLLE" They both yelled at the end looking towards her to see her smiling and giggling at the same time, how could she be so lucky to have them as her older brothers.

"Thank you hermanos" She smiled getting up from her bed and pulling both of them into a rather tight hug which they returned. Once she pulled away she gave them both a small peck on the cheek.

"You too are crazy but the best" She laughed, watching her brother's smiles grow.

This time both her brothers pushed her to sit at the edge of her bed as they both had gifts they couldn't wait to share with her.

They both shoved a bag in her face, she grabbed both of them and placed them beside her. She pulled Fernando's gift on her lap first, it was a bag. The girl opened to find what looked like a lot of clothing.

She pulled out 2 white shirts, one pair of joggers as well and some shorts followed by a shoe box that fit perfectly in the bag all from her favorite store Nike. She has been wanting some more basic clothes to wear.

She looked at Fernando who took a seat next to her and she gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Fer, these are amazing."

Her oldest brother smiled and pulled his arm around her as she picked up the gift from Pedri who had it in his lap after taking a seat next to his sister as well.

It was much smaller, but when she unwrapped it found four boxes from Pandora, One rather bigger than the rest. So she picked up the big one first only to open it with a bracelet, a charm bracelet.

She smiled as she placed the bracelet down, opening the smaller boxes that were sure to hold the charms. She opened the first one to find a little medical logo as it fit her job, opening the second one containing a football, it was her favorite sport after all. Lastly, the last small box at the coat of arms could be visible on the Spanish flag.

Without hesitation, she clipped each one admiring them dangling. She turned to her brother and pulled him in a tight hug.

"Pedri this is honestly thoughtful" She smiled trying to hold in her tears. But it didn't help when Fernando pulled out another small box.

Nicolle looked at him and opened it to find two letters that she knew immediately were the initials of her brother's name. 'P' and 'F'. Before anything, she clipped those ones and this time pulled Fernando into a tight hug.

Around a few tears managed to escape. "Thank you both so much, these gifts are so thoughtful, te quiero hermanos" (I love you brothers). She wrapped her arms around both of them and pulled them into a hug once again.

Once she released them, her oldest brother asked her to get ready, he would start preparing breakfast but he made a reservation for lunch, so they could enjoy some nice food out as a family before having the party.

Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now