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𝖠 𝖥𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝖪𝗂𝗌𝗌


"Work was okay?" Pedri asked, making his way into the car with his sister, the day had finished and they were making their way back home.

"Yeah it was fine, just like any other ordinary day, pretty much" She smiled, closing the door as she took her seat in the front next to her brother.

"Training was okay with you?" she shot the question back

"It was fine, just like you said, ordinary day training, but with a few of Xavis twists of course," Pedri said which caused the two to chuckle, Xavi always knew how to make training interesting for the team and they enjoyed it very much.

It was the end of the day but Nicolle was more than happy as she would spend the evening with Pablo on the hill that overlooks the city they are present in. She did mention it to her brothers and they could tell she was filled up with excitement.

Both siblings listened to music, and he drove them back to their house, as they arrived Nicolle could have at least three hours before she had to leave the house again. The weather itself was decreasing, so Nicolle had planned to come out in some sweatpants and a hoodie to keep warm.

Pablo himself was planning to wear a similar style outfit, it wasn't a fancy place and through Nicolle's view it was just the two of them enjoying each other's company outside on their spot, she didn't think anything else could possibly happen.

Once the siblings arrived home, they both entered the house to smell of Fernando cooking dinner, he did have a late meeting so he wanted to make sure his siblings were fed because the meeting was sure to last overtime, plus Nicolle did have to leave soon, regardless saying no to his cooking was out of the question for both siblings.

"Ok, food is done, Nicolle, enjoy your time out okay!" Fer smiled, giving both his siblings a tight squeeze before making his way up the stairs, closing the door as he entered his room ready to go online.

"Normally he doesn't have these meetings, but won't say no to his food ever" Pedri spoke receiving a small chuckle from Nicolle who agreed with him.

Nothing could compare to what he and their mothers cook, simply put it's just the best in their opinion and nothing can change that overall.

The two took a plate for themselves and took a seat at the table getting ready to enjoy the meal before them and discuss random topics, it's like a sibling tradition, the mornings watching her brothers argue but the evenings she chips them in on the story of her day before pulling onto other random topics, avoiding getting into a debate.


Pablo had picked Nicolle up from her house and took her to the spot they discussed most about, both waited for the time to arrive when they saw each other again.

As of right now they were sitting at the top of the hill overlooking the busy city, getting ready for the night ahead of them, never would this city sleep. Nicolle peeked her head towards the sky holding her necklace watching as the white dots started to appear, bringing minimal light to the sky.

Pablo, who was sat next to her, turned to admire her, her head propped up watching the sky, fiddling with the necklace he gifted her watching has a soft smile curled up on her lips. She sat with her legs pushed to her chest letting the moonlight begin to shine on her face.

After a few minutes Nicolle spotted the boy admiring her and turned to him, but he didn't turn his head away instead his smile grew as he made eye contact with her.

This dare was turning into much pleasure, he was enjoying it a lot and was happy to genuinely have the girl by his side, he didn't think that what they had been for a game given by his friends.

"Aren't you also going to look at the stars or the view as well?" The girl asked softly, she was a bit worried as to why he wouldn't stop staring at her, thinking that something might have happened.

"Why would when I have you to admire?" He responded, watching her giggle at his words, they were cheesy but also romantic in her view.

The boy's eyes observed her lips for a few seconds before locking eye contact with her, the longing for him to feel her lips was driving him crazy.

"Nicolle, can I kiss you?" Pablo asked

Nicolle's eyes widened for a few seconds, that question came rather unexpectedly but sweet that he asked instead of going straight in, she was trying to gather the words to respond but nothing would come out except a soft "yes"

The boy in front of her smiled, the eye contact held strong before Pablo moved closer to her, and they both began to close the gap between each other, their eyes searching each other's faces.

Soon Pablo closed the space between them and placed his lips on hers. Nicolle's eyes closed as soon as their lips met, the fact that he had asked beforehand, made her smile through the kiss. She felt the butterflies in her stomach flying around at rapid speed with pure joy, it took a turn when he placed his hand on her cheek.

He could feel the heat rise to her cheek, the longing to feel her lips was everything to him, her lips felt soft, and this made his stomach do some flips, filling with butterflies just like hers. The sense of having her close to him, the smell of her perfume filling his nose.

This was just the perfect moment for the couple.

Once they parted they kept their foreheads together leaning on each other and smiling at each other. "You have the softest lips Nic" Pablo spoke softly watching her brown eyes partially closed knowing that her lips curled into a smile.

"First kiss and best kiss, Pablito" She responded as the boy opened his arms for her to snuggle into. He had kissed someone he really loved, wanting to feel her lips again. The nickname which made him smile more wrapping his arm around her, as the girl laid her head on his chest listening to his heartbeats.

They both overlooked the city enjoying the warmth of each other. This was Nicolles first ever proper kiss and she must comment that it was only the best. Pablo on the other hand believed that this was his best kiss shared.

The sky above was pitch black, the lights could be seen from the houses of people and the cars driving around the streets, the only audible sound was the wind dancing its way through the leaves of the trees, the cars honking on the road, and the sound of music from the opening of busy clubs.

Nicolle pulled herself closer to Pablo, she felt his hand tighten around her holding her close to him, his heartbeats calmed her down as her eyes moved to the white dots in the sky, admiring each one as she began to play with her necklace again.

Pablo followed her gaze towards the sky admiring the stars above as well, letting his thumb rub up and down on her arm. His thoughts kept running, he had kissed someone he had fallen in love with but through an agreement of a dare.

He felt the kiss was real and nothing played, but how should he tell Nicolle, how should he break the news, how should he explain what was happening the whole month without losing her?

He needed to find the right time to tell her, she deserved to know the truth, but the only challenge was when the right moment was to speak on it. But it wasn't going to be during this perfect moment.

He closed his eyes and let out a big sigh, causing Nicolle to shift around a bit, she only moved into a more comfortable position, as he didn't let her out of his grasp regardless.

He loved her, all through a dumb child's game




Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now