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𝖳𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌, 𝖳𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖬𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝖳𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌


Nicolle was sitting in her office, feeling tired and with a small headache due to the amount of crying from last night, and the atmosphere being the same as the day after she found out about the dare. Fortunately, she did have her brother with her in her office, he refused to leave her despite the mounds of times Nicolle offered him to watch the training happening outside, he just couldn't since the morning she had been acting strangely again.

She was engrossed in her work, but it felt like again she couldn't work, she didn't have a lot to finish by the end of the day, but still, she did not want to carry the work over through her weekend.

Her mind was all over the place, her thoughts wandering to the conversation she had last night with Pablo, which she wanted to keep hold of until tomorrow early afternoon. She hated now that she and Pablo were back to square one, back to the start really, she felt like things were finally taking a small turn, but there is always that one pebble that tips you over.

She had been looking at her computer for a good half hour now, and she hadn't typed a thing on her laptop, not even a letter, and her brother who was sitting on the couch in her office was starting to worry, he didn't like what happened yesterday with Pablo, in fact, he was furious with his friends approach and way of handling the conversation, but he understood Pablo's view.

He wanted nothing but to prove to the girl he was in love with that he would do anything for her, he wanted to show her that he was sorry for his mistakes and would never make such an idiotic move again.

"Nicky por favor, stop letting it get to you" Pedri now spoke, standing up and walking towards his sister, who finally snapped out of her thoughts, looking at her brother, her face blank with no expression. But her brother could tell everything feeling that was eating her up from inside.

He knew that she had feelings for him, strong feelings, sure she never showed it or really said it but she confirmed it last night when she told him and Fernando everything. It didn't come as a shock, he knew, he knew from the very beginning.

"Nic" her brothers approached her with a hug upon hearing everything she just spilled, rather more furious with the person she kept on describing.

They sat in silence for a good few minutes, Nicolle silently sobbing, she hated everything that happened, it wasn't fair, honestly, she didn't know anything else anymore, she didn't know what to know, what to think, what to feel.

"You know what the worst part is" she choked on her words, it was hard to speak upon having just cried for what felt like hours, her breathing unsteady and her eyes stained more red, more puffy.

"I was ready to tell him everything tomorrow" she followed, her brothers looking at her, she knew they wouldn't be in shock, she had confirmed it all really in words, but she didn't wait for her brothers to speak, instead she just pushed herself off the couch and walked to her room.

"You have to speak to him, hermana, the more you hold this in the worse it's going to destroy you," He said, seeing her sister not move, her face still focused on the mounds of words on her screen in front of her.

"I get you need time but don't let it be long please" Pedri whispered and decided to make his way out, maybe she just needed to be alone with her thoughts a bit, it was worrying her, but regardless he wanted to ask Xavi if they could go home early, in an hour really because she couldn't be here, she needed to be home.

Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now