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𝖬𝗂 𝖤𝗌𝗍𝗋𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺


The girl stood in shock, the same expression mirrored on his face, one question that clearly floated in her mind upon the sight of him.

What is he doing here?

The pair only continued to stare at each other in pure shock, Pablo expected her reaction as he was coming to see her and talk to her, hoping to fix everything again, he was just with such an expression as he didn't expect her to walk out the door at the time he was approaching.

Nicolle had many reasons for her reaction, after the fight they had just under twenty-four hours ago, she didn't think that he would want to talk to her, she didn't think that with her reasoning and almost full explanation he would even still want to talk with her, well maybe it was true and he was here to see Pedri or maybe Fernando.

"Let me get Pedri for you, he is inside" The girl cleared her throat and proceeded to reopen the door she only just closed, with a quick pace, wanting to get out of this situation.

"I am here for you" He mumbled, watching as the girl in front of him only froze again, her hand dropped from the handle and she turned to face him, her heart was beating fast and the butterflies began to fly around within her, she in all honesty didn't know how to respond. It was quiet for no more than three minutes, as they stared into each other's gaze, if anything the girl wasn't to be as shocked as she did somewhat expect the reason for his presence. 

Nicolle slightly tilted her head up to the sky and watched as the orange began to paint in the sky above, she still did want to go for that walk regardless. 

"I'm going for a walk, you can join me if you want" She muttered, seeing Pablo snap out of his gaze and nod his head upon her question, as soon as she got her answer they started walking down and out of the driveway to the park, Nicolle loved to go to when she needed her time out alone, it was a rather huge park, families could be seen everywhere and all could be heard was their laughter, but she also had a spot, a spot where she could be left to herself and enjoy the time to just ponder in her thoughts a spot just like in the movies, a spot under an oak tree.

As they walked side by side, the air between Nicolle and Pablo remained heavy with unspoken words. The crunch of gravel beneath their shoes was the only sound accompanying them on the way to the park. The distant laughter of children playing in the near distance and the rustling leaves provided a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air, both desperate to break it, but being careful as to how to.

Nicolle stole glances at Pablo, trying to make sense of his intentions from the subtle changes in his expression. She knew where the topic of conversation was, she was just trying to understand what he was practicing to say. Pablo, on the other hand, wrestled with the right words to break the lingering silence. He knew he had to tread carefully, aware of the fragility of the situation, not to say a word that could take them from square one for the third time.

After a few more steps, which for them felt like a proper mile, the park unfolded before them, the vibrant hues of the setting sun casting a warm glow on the landscape. The sight of the kids playing in the park, the old couples watching from the benches. Pablo noticed it all and noticed the smile on her face upon seeing it all.

Nicolle led him through winding paths, the trees blocking the sun, creating shadows on the ground, working its way to disappear for the moon to begin its job, they reached her secluded spot, a quiet bench nestled under the shade of an oak tree. The atmosphere here felt different, more intimate and sheltered from the outside world, it was like someplace enclosed but still open to all the fresh air, everything could still be spotted and the noise didn't die, but for her, it was just perfect, everyone since she and her siblings got this house, she had found this bench under this tree and claimed it her own.

Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now