Just an unlucky child......

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Blood, blood everywhere and cold bodies hugging him. Thats all Rok Soo could remember before fainting. That was the start of his despair. That was the start of the story of a person who had the favour of all gods. A human who would change the course of the future, the world, everything. But even after having the gods' support, Happiness and peace never seemed to be fated for him.....  


''Mr Rok Soo, we are sorry for your loss.'' A doctor said. Her name was Shuli. She seemed quite polite and was definitely elegant. She had beautiful long brown hair tied up in a messy bun. She had eye bags which might have been due to her pulling all nighters. She was wearing Blue short-sleeved scrub top and pants, with a long and well-ironed white coat. But all she was feeling right now was pity and sadness for the boy to lose both of his parents at such a young age. She expected the boy to breakdown in tears and she wouldn't blame him but when she hesitantly decided to look at him due to him not making any noise, she was suprised to see the look on the boy's face.

Rok Soo's face held no tears nor was he on the verge of breaking down. His face held an emotion sadder and deeper than grief and mere sadness. He didn't need to cry to show that he was sad. His eyes that held a twinkle and shine, died down and his black eyes somehow seemed darker than anything. His already pale skin grew paler and paler. His mouth and lips started to dry. The other doctors could not see that his face was of someone who had lost all purpose in life. Those doctors called him heartless and ungrateful but only Shuli knew how the boy felt.

Rok Soo was then sent to an adoption center.

--Adoption Center--

''And you are?'' The adoption center bully asked Rok Soo. This bully was pretty fat for a 4 year old and the judging look he had on his face was also so damn annoying. Rok Soo ,however, stayed quiet even after being asked something.

''Answer me you bastard!'' The bully started to get irritated. The bully's name was Haru. 

Rok Soo still stayed quiet. The other children due to being weaker than Haru ignored the fight and the people working in the adoption center had a moto- Survival for the strongest. This rule was kinda basically what the wild was about. Not that the people here were less than animals, sorry for insulting the animals after comparing them to these, these whatever they are.

''I said answer me you bastard!!'' Haru grew pretty angry and it was visible on his face.

Rok Soo once again decided to keep quiet.

''Tch'' Haru lifted his leg and then kicked Rok Soo in his stomach and that too pretty hard.

Shock and panic was visible on the the caretakers' faces as

'' UEGH!! ''


Might be cringy but not my fault that life is too boring. 

Word Count- 506  

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