Chapter Five: The Great Pirate Hunt

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A response to Metalbeard's message was swift in coming- not that she ever disappointed.

I should be there in a day's time. Just keep in mind, I'm doing this for you. I've no desire to cross that sorry excuse for a sea captain again otherwise. Something about him just isn't right.

The pirate captain chuckled to himself as he read the brief note again. She had such a way with words. Still, it wasn't the first time she'd expressed such sentiments about Captain Callaghan, and her instincts about people were usually pretty good. And while he would certainly keep her warning in mind, there was no way of preparing without knowing what about him 'wasn't right'.

"That sounds promising," Benny remarked, answering Metalbeard's grin with a smirk of his own.

"She be on her way."

Once  the holes from the cannon fire were repaired, the Diligente began the  process of tracking the Sea Cow down once more

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Once the holes from the cannon fire were repaired, the Diligente began the process of tracking the Sea Cow down once more. Mayhem, Rex, and the crew were all wary of their captain's stormy mood, but didn't dare approach either of them about it. It took a couple days to catch up to the pirates again, with the head start that they had, but soon enough they had the Sea Cow within their sights again. It appeared as though they were on their way to take shelter on the nearby island.

Mayhem carefully placed a hand on Cary's forearm as he growled in annoyance, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You've been in quite a mood since our last fight with them. Are you alright?"

"Ready for this to be over with," the captain grunted. "Tired of them escaping us, and now with Emmet hanging in the balance..."

"I know," Mayhem sighed. "We've got them this time, though," she assured. "We'll have Emmet home before the end of the week."

"We better."

"So what's the plan?"

"Keep the captain and the crew distracted, we'll try to spring Emmet out again ourselves." He frowned. "I should be able to handle that first mate of his this time, too."

"I certainly hope so. I've never met anyone who's actually been able to best you, before."

"He didn't best me," Cary growled. "I just... got distracted." May gave him a shocked look at his admission.

"That's never happened before... Are you sure you're-"

"May. I'm fine. And it won't happen again."

"Well, if you're sure..."

"I am." He didn't waste any more time on conversation after that, barking orders to the crew to prepare for battle. Metalbeard's crew didn't seem overly concerned as the Diligente sailed up alongside them, already preparing for battle.

Something about that doesn't seem right.

"Glad I'm not the only one that thinks so." Still, he wasn't about to back down a second time. This time, they weren't leaving until their prince was safe and sound aboard the Diligente, and Metalbeard and his crew were in handcuffs. They boarded the pirate ship with the rest of their crew, Rex and May not far behind, and the fighting started immediately.

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