Chapter Fifteen: Wolves of the Sea

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It had been slightly more than a week since Sirius had last seen his favorite captains. He received daily reports, but they had yet to bring his son home. He knew Emmet could be stubborn when he had his mind set to something, but this was bordering on ridiculous. There were so many uncontrollable dangers at sea...

A glimpse of an unfamiliar face caught his attention. He frowned to himself. Though they were doing a decent job of blending in, he hadn't hired any new help lately. He wondered how this person had gotten hold of a uniform; none of the rest of the staff were paying the stranger any mind. He followed at a distance, keeping an eye on them as they made their way through the halls. They eventually made their way to the residential wing.

Sirius narrowed his eyes when they slipped a hand inside their sleeve to pull out a hidden dagger, and approached the door to Emmet's rooms. Of course. Hand on the hilt of his sword, he stalked toward the potential assassin, drawing his blade just as they realized he was there and knocking the knife from their hand. He had them pinned to the wall in no time, sharp edge of his sword to their throat as he shouted for the guards. The two that were stationed in that corridor came running at his call. The Scalan continued to struggle, spitting curses and threats even as they were cuffed. "How were you even able to do that?!" they snarled at the king. Sirius smirked back.

"This is hardly the first assassination attempt I've survived. Wright, Miller? I believe our guest has an evening appointment with the headsman."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Wright snarled at the Scalan, dragging them away, Miller only a step behind. Sirius sighed, sliding his sword back into its sheath and burying his face in his hands. It was one thing for scum like Captain Thomas to make an attempt on Emmet's life, but for the Scalans to send an actual assassin after him?

He wiped the moisture away from his eyes. That had been too close a call.

Maybe he'd send the assassin's head back to Scala, as a warning.

Cary  stared down at the wreckage of the warship the pirates sank

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Cary stared down at the wreckage of the warship the pirates sank. The fight hadn't lasted long; Kitty had lured it straight to them, where the hapless Scalan sailors were ambushed. The pirates had looted anything of use before destroying the ship entirely.

And after yet another attempt on Emmet's life, they were quite content to leave no survivors. Metalbeard was the first to leave the scene of carnage, taking the prince away from the horrific sight. Kitty surfaced near the Diligente, looking up at its captains. "You guys okay?"

"Better now," Cary muttered, turning his attention toward her.

"I think you scared the others. Apparently they've never seen you fight like that."

"If you think that's frightening, wait until we find Thomas again."

"Oh! You have a hole in your wing!" Kitty gasped. Cary stretched out the wing she was pointing to.

"So we do."

"It doesn't hurt?"

Cary chuckled softly as he reached to pluck the damaged flight feathers. "No. They only shot feathers. See?" He held one out for her to inspect. She peered more closely at it, then hummed in satisfaction when she saw no blood. "That sailor clearly had no idea how wings work." Kitty giggled.

"Well I'm glad he didn't."

Cary gave her a surprised look. "You are?"

"Mhmm! I think I actually like you guys. You're not as mean as I thought."

"Oh. Well thank you." Kitty grinned at him and dove back under the water.

I think we should go check on Emmet, Alastar suggested. He must be pretty shaken after all that.

"I think you're right," Cary murmured his agreement. "Francis."

"Yes, sir?"

"While I doubt anything will happen within the next few minutes, we're leaving you in charge. We have a prince to look after."

"Yes, sir."

Emmet glanced up as his uncles landed next to him, giving them a weak smile. "I'm okay. I think. It... wasn't as scary as last time." Even despite his insistence, though, he gratefully nestled into the wing that tucked around him.

"You know we had to make sure for ourselves," Alastar told him, pulling him closer. "You're our only nephew, after all." Emmet's smile was a little brighter, this time.

"I must admit, I'm starting to miss home... All this fighting is getting tiresome."

"Already?" Cary teased as he switched back out. "You know this is only the start, right?" Emmet pouted at him. "You sure you're alright?"

The prince rested his head against their shoulder. "Yeah. I'm alright, or I will be soon."

"Good." Cary sighed. "I think we need to have a meeting with the other captains. You're right about one thing- this is getting tiresome, and we'd like to return home too."

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