Part 1: The Two Met

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Jena!! "I woke up to my screaming mother". Jena!! "Yes mother I'm coming"." Jena you know you have a photo shoot today why aren't you ready". "Probably because I'm tired ", I mumbled. "What's that honey","nothing mother." "Oh and you'll get a chance to meet the new body guard I hired today." "Bodyguard mom I don't need a bodyguard , I exclaimed ," "sure you do, every star needs one." "Whatever you say mom."

My mom who is also my manager is how can I put this she is very protective, stuck-up , and one of those moms who is always right or thinks their right. Yeah that's my mother.

A couple of years ago I guess you could say I blew up. I started off singing but now I do singing and modeling. Whoohoo for me right. No I didn't even want to be a model but guess who's dream it was for me to be one ha..ha..ha my mother's.

"Jena come on we're going to be late"my mother yelled while walking down the stairs interrupting my talking to myself. "Coming." I said back. "Let's go Jena in the car the driver is waiting."

I hurried into the car." Hi Mr.Lewis how are u today I asked the driver". "I'm fine, Jena what about yourself". "I'm good tired but good". "Okay okay enough talk let's go'
", my mother rudely interrupted.

30 minutes later

"Good, we're here come on Jena hurry hurry". "Mom I can't go any faster. I said as we walked into the studio." I went to the bathroom to get a break from my mother". Ugh where is the bathroom. I saw this guy just standing there so I asked him where the bathroom was. "Just follow me I'll take you too it", he said. "Thank you". "You must be Jena", "Yeah that's me." "I'm August".
"Nice to meet you August" "Heres the bathroom". "Thank You." "You think you can make it back".
Jena answers yes while giggling.

After about five minutes in the bathroom alone I went back with my mother.

"Next time you decide to run off Jena tell me",my mother said angrily. "I went to the bathroom mother that's all I didn't think I needed your permission to go".

"Hello my loveliest Jena" , Leinel Therof the photographer said , "Hi L how are you today". "I'm fine my dear ready for you to work some magic". "I'm ready when ever you are L". "Okay lets get started then".


I watched Jena doing her photo shoot it. She was beautiful. Her momma is a b*tch tho when she gave me this job she schooled me on all my limits and stuff with Jena.

"August ",Jena's mother called my name . "Yes Ms.May". "August tonight I have to go off to a meeting to see if I can get Jena an acting job so your gonna have to look after her". " Ight um I mean yes ma'am ", "okay it's set then,"

"To tell the truth I was actually happy to get this job protecting a beautiful girl and let's just say it pays more than the bills. I just don't get Ms.May her daughter is 19 years old and she decides her every move.

"That's a wrap",L yelled


"Jena darling that was beautiful that's all were going to need today" L explained

"Okay Jena hurry and get dressed because after we leave here I'm leaving but August is going to go home with you", my mother said "August, why ", I asked "because dear he's your bodyguard," "mom I told I didn't need a bodyguard", "I know dear but I really thought that you should have one, Now go to the car dear I'll go get August".

The same guy that walked me to the bathroom earlier today came to the car.

"Jena this is August, August this is Jena",we both shook hands and acted like we hadn't met before just so my mother would leave quicker. "Now August take care of my sweet Jena",and with that she left.

"Sorry about my mother she can be an ass sometimes"I said to August. "It's okay ", he responded while laughing. Then we were on our way home.

How was it ?

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