Airport Angry

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8:00 am
I had to get up early today cause my mom wanted me to meet her at the airport I thought I should let August since it was gonna be a long day with my lovely mother back.

I got in the shower for a while , fed my snake , did my hygiene routine and it was still early so I thought I would go for a ride .

I had the best sleep Jena couch is actually real comfortable anyway my sleep was interrupted by this loud ass motor noise so I go outside and see what it is and guess what ? it's Jena on a fucking Motorcycle at 9:00 in the morning.


"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you ," "nah it's fine why didn't you tell me you had a motorcycle," "You didn't ask but I have a motorcycle are you happy now," "Where you planning on going," "Nowhere I just wanted to go riding I should be back in about 25 minutes or less you can go fix yourself breakfast or something," "oh it's like that you just gonna leave," "yeah," then I pulled off.

Damn I wasn't even done talkin but it is what it is I am hungry tho let me go make something

15 minutes later

I just ended up fixing a bowl of cereal cause their kitchen was all organized and I didn't wanna mess nothin up
Then I watched tv.

Another 10 minutes later

I heard a motorcycle and I knew it was Jena so I went outside

"How was your ride." "It was good until .......I got a ticket," "Jena you got a ticket ?, For what ?" "The officer said I was speeding but I really didn't notice paying it is not even the problem I just don't want my mom to find out," 'I will go pay the ticket while you go meet your momma at the airport and if I pay it now you won't have to go to court,"
"Thank you so much August," Jena said while kissing August on the cheek .


I went to go take a shower and get dressed so my mother wouldn't so any thing about how I looked. Then Mr.Lewis came and took me to the airport and there I sat and I waited .


After Jena left I realized that I didn't have my car so I called Jena.


August~I font know how I'm supposed to pay this ticket without a car

Jena ~Mr.Lewis is coming back to pick you up and take you home so you can get dressed and stuff then you can go pay the ticket.

August~ight I'll let you know when I'm bout to go pay it

Jena~okay bye

August~ you just say bye like that

Jena ~ yeah bye

August~okay bye ugly

Jena~ whatever you know in far from ugly bye August

After about five minutes later Mr. Lewis came I went home got in the shower did my hygiene thing and got dressed and paid that ticket for Jena .

An hour later


I can see my mother coming and I put on my very famous fake smile.
"Hey Mom how was the trip," "It was very nice and successful sweetie , um where is August darling," "Hes at his house he had to get more clothes," " well he shouldn't be at his house getting clothes he should be here with you and I will make sure to consult him when we get back home." "Ma I was fine I didn't need August to be with me at the airport just leave it alone why do you have to be so hard on every body." "The last thing that you should be doing is questioning me Jena I brought you to where you are now you wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for me." "You're right mom I wouldn't have been born if it wasn't for you but everything else I did on my own."

Jena and her mother didn't talk to each other the rest of the ride home.

20 minutes later they arrive at their house

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