Hell Yeah

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When I got home I just went to my room because I couldn't stand one more minute of being around my mother.

"Jena I'm going out I'll be back later," I heard my mother yellow from downstairs.

I didn't say anything and the I heard the front door close.I turned the tv on and watched I few cartoons and then my phone began to ring .

Jena - Hello

?????? - Yes hi is this Jena May

Jena - Um.... Yes can I help you with something

??????- I'm Donna Linsting from the Linsting Modeling Agency I would like to know if you could come and do I couple of shots today for our ballet catalog.

Jena- I would love too , when exactly is the shoot.

Donna- I would like for you to be here today if you can

Jena - okay I'll be there in about 2 hours

Donna- okay bye bye now

Jena - bye

Just then I hear the front door open and I get kinda scared then I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I notice its just August.

"How did you get in." " The door was unlocked why is Ms.May." "I honestly don't know and don't care but I have a photo shoot I have to go to so are you coming or not." "We just gonna take my car cause I don't know where Mr.Lewis went?"August explained.

We went outside and I saw that August was driving an all back Benz. We both got in the car and August started to drive.


" Jena do you have any tattoos?'' "No my mother told me I couldn't get any because it would mess up my modeling career I would ask you but I already know the answer." "Yeah."

August and Jena talked the whole ride to the modeling agency.

They finally arrived and walked into the building.


When I walked into the agency Ms.Donna took me to the back where they had everything set up . August just sat down and watched everything while I went to the dressing room to get dressed and get my makeup done. Once I was finished with that I walked out and August's jaw dropped and I couldn't help but laugh. Then I went over to Ms.Donna and we started the shoot .


I couldn't help but look at Jena doing this shoot she looked bad as hell but then I saw her take this picture and she was ina full blown split I was just like wooooooooooooooooow . "That's a wrap I heard somebody say and Jena started to come over by me and whispered in my ear " I make a split look perfect," then she walked off laughing.

You Lied (August Alsina )(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now