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Blood Sugar vs dates

While dates are naturally sweet and have a high sugar content, some, especially those living with diabetes, may be concerned with the effect on blood sugar.

However, the reality is in moderation dates are a perfectly healthy dietary choice and can be enjoyed even if you have diabetes. 

Glycemic Index of Dates 

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a way of measuring how carbohydrates affect your blood sugar. Foods that are ranked “high” on the GI are known to raise your blood sugar quickly, and those that rank lower cause less changes in blood sugar.

As mentioned before, dates are a good source of fibre which helps in blood sugar control, as fibre allows carbohydrates to be absorbed slower in the body.

Because of this, dates actually have a low GI and when consumed in moderation, are perfectly healthy and safe, and a good choice even for those living with diabetes. 

Consuming 1-2 dates alongside some protein like some nuts will also help slow down the absorption of sugar and will not cause a blood sugar spike.


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