Chapter 36 --The big break | Final hearing and goodbye --

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Weeks of careful appearances, data collection and secrecy had come to this final moment.

The final hearing.

In all reality the Senate was only taking a month long break before returning to its schedule, and there would be plenty of senators remaining to speak with the chancellor or other professionals on their regions specific business. But intergalactic meetings that involved you would be over, and Senator Chuchi would be leaving Coruscant for a time as well.

As you sit in the grand senate hall taking in the thousands of senate pods for the last time you think back to the planning meeting you had the day before. After your whole 'love letter and flowers' moment everyone had gathered in the guys room for a meeting about the schedule for today. There was some added urgency and attention to detail with the new information about you being a jedi, and some additional backup strategies were added incase of inquisitor pursuit or your arrest. Otherwise the plan for today was as follows.

Tech, Echo and Rex would already be at the garage. They left after your meeting yesterday to begin preparing the ships. You had mentioned to the group that you would be leaving your ship with Senator Organa and would move your things over quickly once you arrived. The guys had agreed it would be quick, but they would still make as many preparations as possible so that your move was one of the final steps before departure. Tech in particular started thinking through what items he knew you would want moved, so he could preemptively prepare them for you.

You would attend the hearing as usual, Senator Chuchi would pick you up with all your things and take you to the hall. After the hearing you would fly with her on a false detour to her apartment to imply you were there for the remainder of the day until her planned departure. You would change into your gear at her apartment and then transfer into a separate vehicle to be shuttled to the garage.

Meanwhile back at the hotel, Hunter, Wrecker and Omega would finish packing up your rooms and then be escorted by Rex to the garage. This timing was more challenging because you would check out when you left, meaning the clock was ticking before the rooms would be inspected. Hunter already planned on having everything ready to go so that as soon as you were checking out they were heading out the back before the access keys deactivated.

As Tech put it "if everything goes smoothly it will be like we were never here. So don't mess up".

You were sure that their trip to the garage last night had been smooth and checking out of your hotel this morning had been straight forward even though it had been nerve wracking. You had chosen your outfit for the day, choosing to wear the blue dress one more time and then packed everything you could imagine into two piles. The one that would go to Senator Chuchi and one that would go directly to the ship. You had needed the guards' help to drag out the dress bags, although you had secretly replaced the lavender one with your armor. Senator Chuchi had wanted you to keep it, and this way you'd have your armor hidden away until you needed to change.

As far as you knew now Hunter, Wrecker and Omega were back at the garage and you had to make it through this hearing. The darkness was present as usual, but you felt more resilient to its taunting and searching. After experiencing the sheer strength of the darkness present at the temple the presence here was much more manageable.

The hearing had just begun and you had already filled in Senator Chuchi about your plan to speak with Senator Organa and the needed trips after the hearing. The usual introductions were made, and as the minutes from the previous meeting were being read off you excused yourself from the pod.

"I'm going to go speak with him now" you quietly whisper and Senator Chuchi nod's "alright, I'll send an escort with you".

Senator Chuchi waved one of her guards to escort you, and the two of you walked alone along the carpeted hallway, passing archway after archway on your walk. Senator Organa's pod was up a few floors and over a good ways from where you usually sat. Thankfully everything was labeled with a system of numbers and letters, and there was usually a screen sign over the archway stating who was in which pod. A calm walk, and a short elevator trip got you where you needed to go. Senator Organa noticed you standing in the doorway and gestured you inside.

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