Do you want to build a Snowman?

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Even though the sun shined brightly, telling the world today was a beautiful day but some thought and felt otherwise.

The sun rays slipped through the curtains of the neat office that once belonged to her sister. Anna slumped down onto the chair as she blew her bangs out of her eyes. The council of Arendelle had already begun teaching her the ways of becoming a queen, having her read documents after documents and which kingdoms they traded with.

It was a lot of work, with a lot of papers. It was hard and Anna vaguely thought how Elsa was able to do it.

It hadn't even been a month since Elsa had been taken and she was still grieving, but at least she wasn't alone. The people of Arendelle offer her their condolences while they grieve in their own way, but then again she stopped going outside four days Elsa's kidnapping because no matter how many times she looked at the sky her sister wasn't ever returning.

Anna looked at the papers on the desk, ones that she had been reading and were still in her sister's neat handwriting. There were no mess or spills of ink on the paper, it was clean and the writing was beautiful like Elsa. Just like everything else Elsa did was beautiful. Anna considered herself lucky to have such a beautiful sister with a magical gift of snow. But now she was gone, along with her parents.

Her eyes burned but they shed no tears. The young redhead thought she may have cried all her tears that they finally dried.

A soft knock sounded through the door but she made no move to answer it. The door opened anyway without her permission but the only ones who would do that is Kristoff and Olaf.

She gave them a small smile as the two walked quietly to her. Without either of them with her, Anna wasn't sure what she would do, but since that day they were the reason she got up every morning and go through life. Without them she might have brought down the entire kingdom through her grief.


Elsa watched in silence as Jack gave out orders and demands to other vampires. She watched them listen to his every word and follow through with his orders without question, noticing that they greatly admired the Vampire King.

She followed him around this very large castle for what she assumed was several hours. She never did figure out time since she got there, but that stopped bothering her for a few days already.

She also never did quite figure out what really went down in that room. There was a conversation going on between Jack and Aster, she heard it all, but she didn't understand any of it. Elsa was curious and she wanted to know, but the vampire looked to tense and irritated so she wisely kept her mouth shut and followed him around.

There were still parts of the castle she had yet to see and her curious nature that she had recently discovered she had, had been looking at every new thing but she made sure to keep up with Jack as she had decided it was time to stop getting on his bad side. Though that didn't mean she would stop arguing with him because he managed to make her mad. As far as she was aware, he never did anything when she spoke against him, but rather only when she physically attacks him is when he actually attempts to stop her.

Elsa couldn't stop the blush growing on her cheeks. She has never lashed out on anyone, except for him but she reasonably told herself that she was justified for what she did.

( no bad elsa! Bad! )

The sound of a door closing startled her. She looked around quickly noticing that Jack was on the other side of the room with a few other vampires, she didn't even realize that they had entered a new room. Deciding to leave the vampires to themselves, Elsa glanced around the barely colored chambers. A stone fire place that barely looked used, and a painted portrait of a snow covered mountain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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