Chapter 42 - Hyein's turn

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Haerin couldn't help but notice the subtle glances Hyein would steal at Eunchae, their colleague from team 1. It wasn't a secret that Eunchae was Hyein's secret crush, and Haerin, being the mischievous friend she was, decided it was time for some friendly teasing.

One sunny afternoon, as the warm sunlight streamed through their office windows, Haerin leaned over her desk, whispering to Hyein, "Hyein, you've been staring at Eunchae quite a bit today, haven't you?" She couldn't help but grin, sensing the blush creeping up on Hyein's cheeks.

Hyein, flustered but unable to deny it, nodded. "Well, what can I say, she's amazing," she admitted with a shy smile.

Haerin's eyes twinkled with mischief. "You know what, Hyein? How about we play matchmaker today?" She leaned closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I can help you invite Eunchae to lunch at that adorable café just across the street. What do you think?"

Hyein's eyes widened, torn between excitement and nervousness. "Do you really think she'd say yes?"

Haerin winked. "With your charm? Absolutely." She reached for her phone and dialed Eunchae's extension, trying to sound casual. "Hey, Eunchae! How's your day going? You know, Hyein was just wondering if you'd like to join us for lunch today at that lovely café across the office. What do you say?"

Eunchae's voice on the other end was soft but cheerful. 'Oh, that sounds nice! I'd love to, Haerin.'

Hyein's heart skipped a beat as she overheard Eunchae's enthusiastic response. She covered her face with her hands to hide her blushing smile.

After hanging up the phone, Haerin turned to Hyein with a grin. "Well, that's settled then. Lunch date it is!" She couldn't help but tease her friend further. "You better practice your charming smiles, Hyein."

Hyein, her face still flushed with a mix of excitement and embarrassment, couldn't resist playfully pinching Haerin's arm. "You're in for it now, Haerin," she warned, her eyes sparkling with laughter.


As they walk their way to the café, Hyein found herself feeling incredibly shy and self-conscious. She stayed close to Haerin, who was doing her best to shield herself from Hyein's pinches. Haerin couldn't understand why Hyein pinches her when she's shy.

Inside the cozy café, Haerin took charge of seating arrangements with a sly grin. She gestured toward the four-seater table and said, "Alright, ladies, Minji, Hanni, Danielle, you're with me today." They exchanged knowing glances and giggles as they sat down.

With an encouraging wink, Haerin pointed to the nearby two-seater table. "Hyein, Eunchae, why don't you two take that table over there?" Her intentions were as clear as day, and Hyein's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she complied, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves.

As Hyein and Eunchae settled into their seats, Hyein couldn't help but offer Eunchae a warm smile. She wanted this lunch date to be memorable, a chance to get to know Eunchae better outside the confines of the office.

Their orders placed, Hyein decided to take the plunge and initiate the conversation. "So, Eunchae, how's your day been so far?" Her voice was soft and slightly shaky, betraying her nervousness.

Eunchae's eyes twinkled with genuine interest. "It's been good, thanks for asking. The day always gets better when there's good company."

Haerin, Minji, Hanni, and Danielle, sitting just a few feet away, couldn't help but grin widely at the subtle flirty exchange taking place. They leaned in, their ears tuned to the budding chemistry between Hyein and Eunchae.

Hyein's heart fluttered at Eunchae's response. Emboldened, she continued, "You know, I've always admired your dedication to your work. It's impressive how you handle everything with such grace."

Eunchae's cheeks colored ever so slightly, and she replied with a charming smile, "Thank you, Hyein. I've always thought the same about you. Your determination is truly inspiring."

Haerin, Minji, Hanni, and Danielle exchanged excited glances, feeling like they were witnessing something special. They whispered amongst themselves, commenting on the undeniable chemistry between Hyein and Eunchae.

The lunch continued, filled with laughter, meaningful glances, and those small, electrifying touches of hands and feet under the table. As Hyein and Eunchae delved deeper into conversation, it was clear that their connection was growing stronger with each passing moment.

Haerin, proud of her matchmaking skills, couldn't help but beam at the success of her plan. She knew she had played a part in bringing two hearts closer together, and watching her friend and her crush connect so beautifully warmed her heart.

As the lunch date came to an end, the six of them left the café, smiles on their faces and hearts a little lighter. Hyein and Eunchae walked side by side, their hands brushing against each other's, both silently thankful for the nudge that had brought them together.


As they returned to the office, Danielle couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. She gave Haerin a playful side hug and asked, "Haerin, why on earth did you decide to play matchmaker when you practically told Hyein to leave newbie Eunchae alone just few weeks ago?" She raised an eyebrow, her tone a mix of amusement and surprise.

Haerin chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling mischievously. She leaned against Danielle's desk and whispered, "Well, Danielle, it's all about observation." She paused for dramatic effect, a sly grin on her face. "I've noticed something interesting."

Danielle leaned in, her curiosity increased. "What have you noticed?" She asked.

Haerin leaned in closer, as if sharing a well-kept secret. "I've noticed that Hyein crush on Eunchae isn't just a simple crush." She lowered her voice even further. "I caught her glancing at Eunchae multiple times, you know, that subtle kind of checking someone out and I can feel that she's serious."

Danielle's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Hyein? I had no idea!"

Haerin nodded, her expression knowingly. "Yup, and you know what they say about the eyes, Danielle. They don't lie. So, I decided to give fate a little push." She said gigling

Danielle couldn't help but laugh. "You're unbelievable, Haerin. But hey, it seems like your matchmaking skills worked like a charm."

Haerin grinned, looking satisfied. "Indeed, it did. And it was worth every bit of pinching I endured from Hyein along the way." Haerin said then Danielle laughs.

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