Touch of Honor: A Red Web - Chapter 9

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     "Nezzar." Lemli said while putting out the fire from the night before. "He is one of the spider's legs. We take care of him, that's one less leg to worry about. And Phandal will be free from corruption."

     "Your naivety is still present I see. We aren't going to rid this side of the bay from crime and corruption by killing one of the leaders of it. No, that ends with Rorreth. Once my fist had run through his heart. That's when we will win." Spruce said sleepily, rolling over to his side.

     The campsite was far less comfortable this time around. Likely due to the remaining ash and burning scents in the air at the base of the woods.

     Lemli sat and further erased whatever trail would be left by the fire. "Too bad I won't be there to see it. We finish this and we're done. Like I said from the beginning. We expose the corruption of the guards, the traders, the wizards, and then we part ways, as planned." Lemli said, throwing a spare twig from the fire at Spruce's head. "Get up already. I've been going over the plan all morning."

     "Whatever plan you make isn't going to hold through. Might as well go in blind. Makes for more of a contest."

     Lemli scowled a deep scowl.

     Spruce noticed this and got up, urging to annoy the elf further. "Okay. Tell me how the plan goes after we kill Nazzar."

     Lemli sat back, crossed his arms and grunted. "Well." He started, unenthusiastically. "First off, I didn't say we'd kill him. Maybe we'll capture him and turn him in. Force him to tell the guard what he and Rorreth have been doing. Clear our names, and perhaps even collect a reward."

     "Do you not recall what happened last time someone almost admitted to working with Rorreth?"

     Lemli did remember. He eyed the monk's body, still stained with blood. "If you don't want a plan then at least tell me, how do you expect we'll find the cave? Scour the base of The Dragon Mountains, just the two of us?"

     "I don't think it'll take us long. Perhaps we could split up and find it faster." Spruce articulated his words in such a way with the aim to continue his role as a nuisance.

     "Don't even give me the opportunity. The second I get the chance to split up from you, I'm taking it."

     "Your words hurt, Lem." The monk said, feigning more emotional damage, his smirk, wide.

     "Well. Have you considered contacting Skamos and waiting for him to help us?"

     "I have, but there is no chance the red bastard got up and left the moment things went south. No, something happened. Perhaps he caught on to the guards. I don't know. He wouldn't leave if he knew of our predicament."

     "Ah." Lemli started, shuffling in his seat. "That reminds me. We can't trust anyone. Not the guard, not the knights, not any other mages. No one. Maybe even our transparency with Gwenivere was too much."

     "I'm sure you were so trusting beforehand. We don't have to worry about that. Just us two. We don't need anyone else's help. Maybe Skame if he shows back up or if we can find him. But he may have been captured."

     Lemli got closer to Spruce, who was immediately taken aback. "Rorreth wants you for something, that much is obvious. It seems he's planned for every encounter we've had so far. He wanted you to search for him here, on this side of the bay. Phlen is on the complete opposite side of the country. You couldn't get any farther than that. He's right where he wants you."

     Spruce hadn't been this close to Lemli's face before. Not a bad looking chap by any means. Not particularly handsome however. He finally got up. "And so are you."

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