Shut up and drive

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Travis ended up falling asleep mid-way through the movie. Sal went to his room, grabbed a soft baby blue blanket, and noticed all of the orange fur that smothered the blanket, "God damn it Gizmo," Sal cussed his cat out before dragging the blanket out to the living room and laying it over Travis. They walked over to the old box TV and ejected the tape right as he grabbed it he heard Travis' voice. "What was that?" Sal turned around and noticed Travis mumbling to himself in his sleep, he was tossing and turning distressed. Sal crawled over to him and started lightly shaking him, whispering his name before being hit in the face, "OW! What the hell man." Sally looked up at a groggy Travis watching him rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Oh shit sorry Sally, you scared me." he gulped what little saliva was in his mouth. "Hold on, I'll go get you some water,"

Sal got up from the floor and walked over to the kitchen sink, while filling a cup with water, they asked "What were you dreaming about? you seemed pretty upset." Travis sat on the couch clutching the blanket on his lap, "I don't remember much, I was somewhere dark and there was water up to my knees." He paused furrowing his brows trying to recall more from the dream "There was a doll haunting me, and you were there, still as pretty as ever" Sal turned the sink off and looked over "You think I'm pretty?" He smiles under his prosthetic "What-" Travis interrupted himself by putting a hand over his mouth and turning away "No I didn't say that," Sal started to walk over "I'm pretty sure you did." He went to sit the glass of water down on the coffee table but just before it hit the wood travis slid a coaster under it "Shut the fuck up" Travis mumbled picking the cup up and bringing it to his mouth, taking a sip.

"Do you wanna get something to eat?" Sal tilted his head to the side. Travis thought for a second before responding "Sure I'm kinda hungry," Travis put down the glass Sal got up from the couch and offered travis his hand which he took without hesitation "Do you know how to drive?" Sal asks as he picks up a set of car keys, "I've driven a few times but I only have my permit." Travis responds as he neatly folds the blanket and sets in on the couch then a set of keys hits him in the face "More experience than me." Sal giggled to himself as Travis' face turned red and his eyebrows furrowed "You know there's this thing most humans do, we call it handing an item to someone." Travis bent down and picked up the keys that fell to the floor, sal laughed some more, "You're funnier than I thought you were Travis." Sal says opening the front door travis follows behind him.


"So you've never driven a car before?" Travis asked, looking over to Sal. He could only see the bottom half of the left side of his face, it wasn't that bad Travis wondered why Sal wore it like he'd die without it. Sal answering with his mouth full brought it from his mind "No, my dad just doesn't have the time to teach me." Sal answered, "Don't talk with your mouth full Sal it's gross."  Travis could see a smile spread across Sally's face as he swallowed "That's the first time." Travis looked over confused as Sal readjusted his prosthetic, "What do you mean?" "That's the first time you've ever called me by my name." Travis made a small noise as he looked back at the park they were parked in front of then a thought came to him before thinking it through he spoke, "Do you want me to teach you how to drive?" Sal looked at him wide-eyed. "Of course I do man!" Sal's voice brimmed with excitement. "Okay yeah sure I'll show you." He paused mentally preparing himself "Okay look you see this pedal here?"

A few minutes later Travis was sitting in the passenger seat as Sal took the wheel "I'm so excited I've never driven a car before!" Travis smiled to himself "Just be careful and- Sal only use one foot." Sal looked over "What?" He inquired "You have one foot on the gas and another on the brake, only use your right foot, put the left one over there." Sal adjusted his feet "like this?" He turned over and stared at Travis as he checked "Yeah. You remember everything I said about the stick shift?" "Travis hop off my dick I know what I'm doing," Sal replied, Travis was not amused, "whatever just start the car."

Five seconds it didn't even take five seconds for Sal to ram the back of the van into another car Sal sat contemplating all of his life choices grip tight on the wheel Travis looked over to his left and glared at his feet "I told you to only use." Sal turned sheepishly "Yeah." His voice was a whisper and Travis sighed "Let's just get back to the apartments and pray your dad doesn't see what you did to his van." Sal turned his head "It's Larry's van."

Travis parked the van in the same spot they found it in drenched sweat. Sure he was worried about what Sal's dad would do to him if he found his car like that, but Larry only god knows what Larry would do to Travis if he found out what he let Sal do to his car. "You need to chill out man." Sal tried to sound comforting but he'd be lying if he said he too wasn't fearing for his life. They got out of the car the silence was deafening, "We will never speak of this, Larry can never know." Sal spoke as he walked towards the front door to the apartment building Travis nodded as he began to walk away "Where are you going?" Sal asked when he noticed "Home?" Travis responded," It's late, I'm tired, and you're crazy if you think I'm staying anywhere near the crime scene." Travis kept walking," Good night Travis!" Sal yelled at him as he opened the door watching travis raise his right hand, "Night!"

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