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The musty school air punched Sal in the face. Even though his prosthetic, it was overwhelming, "God it stinks in here," Sal mumbled to himself. "You're lucky you have a layer of protection," Ash commented as she snuck up from behind. Sal swung his head around "You'd be surprised how much it doesn't help." Ash giggled as they approached Sally's locker, "I've always wondered why you don't keep anything in your locker," Sal asked Ash," It's so far from all of my classes it's just more convenient to carry it all." Ash stopped when she saw a letter in Sal's hands.

"I cannot help but stop and admire you every time our paths meet
Your beauty is unmatched for god made you perfect
You've gone from heaven to my heart
You are a fallen angel
You're my fallen angel
I worry I dragged you down from the gates
Pay attention to heaven for one day you will return
I will not
A blessing no matter how hard it tried
Will always be mighty
How happy was the lord when I tainted you
I put my sins on your back and you gladly take the weight of my world
For what's yours is mine
What mine is yours  "

"Someone wrote you a love letter!" Larry yelled from behind startling Sal "That's adorable!" Ash added she took the paper from Sal while he was distracted,  "Awwww they didn't sign it." Ash sighed disappointed, Sal grabbed the note back from Ash."We should find out who wrote it." Todd added, once again scaring Sal, "You guys need to stop teleporting behind me." Sal responded attempting to recover from his third heart attack today.

"Whoever wrote it is a keeper," Larry said studying the handwriting a smirk growing on his face. "You guys, don't waste your time on this." "Well, we will." Ash interrupted Sal, "I already know who wrote it." Sal recognized the handwriting he knew who wrote the sappy poem. "Who!" Larry yelled, "Please don't yell." Todd added just as the warning bell rang. "First period is starting soon, perhaps we should put a pin in this," Todd continued as he began to walk Ash following him. 

"Who-" "I'm not telling." Sal interrupted Larry before he could even ask the question "What, Why?" Sal started walking to class ignoring Larry completely as he followed.  "Come on not even a hint?" Larry pestered Sal standing in front of his algebra class "No. It's none of your business." Larry groaned as Sally walked into the classroom. Ever since Mrs. Pakerson died they've had a sub and huge packets of work while the school scrambled to replace her. Lucky for Sal there was a new sub today so he could get away with not sitting in his assigned seat.

"Sal this isn't your seat." Travis said looking over to his right, "It is today. Don't think I didn't notice you making absolutely no progress on that packet." travis scoffed rolling his eyes as he pulled out the unmarked packet "You haven't even done the first question? Travis, you need help." Sal said as he pulled out his packet, "I don't want any more of your help Sally Face." Travis spat. "But you need it. You don't have a choice, man."

Sal pulled out a pencil and a calculator, "Okay so for number one what's confusing about the problem?" Travis mumbled something under his breath, "What was that?" Sal questioned as an attendance sheet was passed their way "I" Travis paused marking his name, "I can't read the numbers." Travis mumbled sheepishly,  "What do you mean you can't read the numbers?" Sal asked confused as he marked his name and handed it to the student next to him, "They move around the page, I know it's stupid but I can't read them in order ." he rested his forehead on his right hand. "I know I'm a dumbass I can't do simple math problems, It's embarrassing." Travis looked away embarrassed, "God I'm so stupid."

Sal sat thinking for a minute before pulling out a loose sheet of paper and writing on it "I don't think you're stupid Travis, your brain just works differently," Travis blushed slightly as Sal pushed their desks together, "Tell me what number this is." Sal said showing Travis the paper. "I told you I can't." "Just try, tell me what number you read." Travis looked at the paper for a second before answering, "281." Sal hummed to himself before writing out the same number he originally put but in words this time, "What number did I write." Travis looked at him with a raised eyebrow "812, what's the point in this?" Travis questioned Sal, "I put the same number both times, you got it right when I wrote the number out in words," Sal smiled under his prosthetic, "I think I know how to help you, Travis."

For the rest of the period, Sal would wright out the problems and help Travis when he didn't know what to do, "The bells about to ring." Sal mumbled to nobody in particular as he started to pack up his things. "We got a lot done, thanks Sally." Travis let a small smile slip, "Of course man, I think you should talk to Todd about tutoring he could really help you." Travis zipped up his backpack before responding, " I'd like it more if you could tutor me actually, I mean if you have the time and you want to." Sal stood up as the bell rang, "I'm not busy after school today," Sal took a step before stopping and turning back around, "I liked your poem by the way, you should sit with me at lunch."

Travis sat still stunned eyes wide with his mouth slightly agape. Once Sal left the room he stood up, grabbed his bag, and booked it to the bathroom. So many thoughts were going through his head, mainly how Sal knew it was he who wrote the poem. Did he tell anyone? Who else knew about it? Everybody knows, don't they?  He felt eyes staring at him. Once he got to the bathroom He locked himself in the biggest stall, sat on the toilet, he struggled to breathe. He was shaking.

Barely any air went to his lungs he grabbed his hair, pulling on it. He rested his elbows on his knees, he tried to steady his breathing. Tears welled up in his eyes. Panic and anxiety welled in his stomach pushing on his chest. This was starting to become a regular thing, when any little thing worried him it stuck to his mind like a parasite filling his mind and body with anxiety, with panic. The bells ringing didn't even register in his mind.

There was a knock that echoed through the entire bathroom. Travis jerked his head up tears and snot covering his face. He stared at the door, there were shoes he didn't recognize he was startled when he heard a voice he also didn't recognize "Hey man, are you okay?" Travis took a deep breath before responding in a shaky voice, "I'm fine."  he brought his knees to his chest "Are you sure? If you need to talk I'll listen."
The panic in his stomach was quickly becoming anger. What did this guy want from him?  "Why the hell do you care? Just trying to get gossip so you can spread rumors about me. Fuck off." there was a sigh on the other side of the door. "I don't even know who you are. I can't spread rumors about you if I don't know your name." The other person sat on the floor. "I'll still listen to you, I promise I won't judge you or spread rumors." Travis started to pick at a scab on his knee.

"What's your name?" he asked, and the other let out a laugh. "Neil, I'm a senior." Travis hummed "Thanks for the offer Neil, but  I promise I'm fine." He heard a sigh "Shit, we should probably get going now, second period started three minutes ago, good luck mystery man." With that, Neil got up from the floor and started walking over to the door. Travis let out a small laugh, "Thanks but, I think I'll skip this period. My dads gonna beat my ass for it but it's whatever, it won't be the first time and it won't be the last." He heard Neil pause.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" The scab on Travis' knee started to bleed. "It's embarrassing, you'd think I'm a freak." he heard more footsteps before watching a bag fall to the ground. "We're all freaks. I already told you I won't judge you. Right now this bathroom is a judgment-free zone." Travis watched Neil slide down the door. "If it would help, I can tell you a super embarrassing story from when I was a toddler."

"You have memories of being a toddler?" Travis asked confused, "No, but my moms told the story to me a million times. The first time my boyfriend heard the story he laughed his ass off." Travis' interest peaked, "You have a boyfriend?" Neil quickly responded, "Yup he's the love of my life. He's the smartest kindest person I know." Travis' eyebrows furrowed. "How are you so okay with being gay?" His voice was just above a whisper and he hugged his knees tighter. "I don't think it matters what gender your love radiates towards. Is that what that was about?"

Travis ignored his question entirely, hugging his knees "Will god still love me if I love him?" Neil responded quickly and confidently. "Does god make mistakes?." "Of course not he-" Neil interrupted him, "Then they didn't make a mistake when they made you gay." Travis let that sink in, god doesn't make mistakes. He wasn't a mistake. "Here, I should really be getting to class but a mint will help you breathe. Panic attacks really take a toll on me too." Travis watched as a red and white mint was slid under the door. "Thanks," he mumbled Neil probably didn't even hear him, but he did appreciate his words.

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