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Travis woke up he looked around him confused until it hit him, he never went home. Tarvis quickly got out of bed trying not to wake Sal up "What time is it?" he heard Sally mumble "I don't know man but it's dark out and I'm fucked." Travis put his shoes on before grabbing his bag and running out of Sal's apartment."Fuck fuck fuck." Travis whispered under his breath. He got to the elevator but before he could click the call button the doors opened. "What the hell are you doing here?" Larry questioned, Travis ignored him going into the elevator and pressing the 1 button repeatedly he continued his mantra "Fuck fuck fuck." he whispered. Larry walked out of the elevator "Whatever." he scoffed walking down the hallway to Sal's apartment.

Larry opened the door to Sal's room yelling out, "Yo Sally do you know why Travis was here?" Sal kicked off the covers and sat up in his bed, "Dude, what time is it?" Larry sat next to him "9 pm," Sal looked over wide-eyed "NINE! Dude, he is fucked." It clicked for Larry why Travis was running down the hallway terrified, and why Sal was sleeping with his mask on. "Were you seriously hanging out with Travis? Of all people you chose that asshole?" Larry scrunched his nose in slight disgust, "He's funny." Sal stood up and stretched. "Anyways why did you stop by?" Larry stood up next to him "Wanted to know if you wanted a bowl." Sal popped his neck, "Sure."

Travis quickly and quietly opened the front door to his father's house, he scrambled up the stairs to his room walked in, and bent down to place his bag by the doorframe, "Where were you?" His father's voice startled him and he ended up dropping his bag, "I was I um," he fidgeted with his hands looking down at his father's shoes, "TRAVIS I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" his voice boomed through the house. Tears pricked at the corners of Travis' eyes threatening to fall, "I was studying with a friend, I'm sorry I lost track of time." Travis glanced up to see Kenneth's eyes narrowed, "Were you studying with your 'friend' during your 3rd 4th, and 5th periods?"  Travis bit his lip looking away immediately regretting looking at his father. "Please do explain, why did you miss so many classes?" his father's voice was calm, to calm. Travis tried to speak but he couldn't, "When you have to go to the bathroom, tell me." his father placed a glass of water on his bed stand, "Yes sir." Travis mumbled.

When Kenneth slipped off the gloved he wore Travis knew he was fucked, "You better pray I get the results I want." Travis slipped his hands in his pockets, "I promise you will-" he was interrupted with a punch, Travis stumbled back pulled his hands out of his pockets, and touched the side of his face "How stupid do you think I am? I can smell it on you." Kenneth walked back into the bathroom for a second before coming back out, "Go to the alter room and take off your shirt."
Travis walked into a dark room with an altar covering the entire left wall there were statues candles, pictures, and jewels, it was beautiful. To the right was an armoire surrounded by paintings of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and angels, he knew what was in the armoire, and he hated what was in there. He walked over to the alter and lit some candles. Once he was done he took off his shirt, his back was still healing from the last time albeit quicker than it would have been without Sal. Travis put the lighter down knelt down and started praying, "Please let this be quick please." Travis begged to a god he wasn't even sure was there when his father walked in, from the corner of his eye he watched as his father opened the armoire and grabbed a whip, Travis closed his eyes and prayed harder. He flinched when the first hit came, he's been through this a million times before but it never got easier. Then the second came, and Travis felt blood falling down his back "REPENT!" His father's voice echoed through the house as another came.

Sal looked over to his phone when he heard it buzzing he picked it up after seeing it was Travis, just to hear crying on the other end, "What's wrong?" he asked Larry put down his pipe, and looked over, "Who is it?" Sal put his hand up signaling for him to wait, "I don't want to talk about it, I just want to hear your voice right now." Travis's voice was weak and Horace, "Do you want to come over, you really don't sound okay."  Travis curled in on himself, "I don't think I can make the walk. It was really bad this time, It-" he interrupted himself with a sob, "I'll come pick you up." Sal looked over to his brother, "Larry-" Larry interrupted him, "Who was that?" Sal continued, "Larry can you drive me to Travis' house? I think his dad," he stopped when he heard talking on the phone," Sally don't I just wanted to talk to you. I promise I'll be fine." Travis hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" Larry asked scooting closer to Sally, "He said not to come then he hung up." Sal said in a melancholy tone, "I'm sure he'll be okay, besides it's not like I could drive right now, I am fucking faded man." Larry laid back and Sal stood up "Where are you going?" Sal opened the trap door to the tree house, "I need to see him." Larry sat up, "Dude he just said to not pick him up." Sal started to go down the ladder, "He never said I couldn't come over." Larry groaned before yelling down at him, "Dude It's 10 p.m. and you're higher than me." Sal snickered as he reached the bottom, "Doubt that!" He yelled back before making his way to his friend's house.

He got to the end of the street before he realized that he didn't even know where Travis lived, Sal pulled out his phone and called Travis back, the phone rang a few times, then he picked up. "Hey Travis, I was wondering if you could give me your address." Travis groaned, "Sal you're not coming over if that's what your thinking."  Sal frowned, "Come on man I'm already at the end of my street you can't let all that walking go to waste. Are you taking a shower?"
Travis sighed, He was sitting in the shower letting the water run down his body trying to soothe his wounds, "Yes. Sal don't waste your time. If you come over I'm not going to let you in, If my dad saw you he'd probably kill us both." He brought his knees to his chest and leaned his head back enjoying the warm water, "I can probably get in through your bedroom window." That peaked Travis' attention, "Rose Petal blvd 6743, text me when you get here." With that, Travis flipped his phone shut and turned off the water. Once he was dressed he texted Sal the address. Travis walked into his room opened, the window, and grabbed his acoustic guitar tuning it before playing a melody to himself before he started singing along.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" His father yelled from downstairs his fingers stopped and his mouth closed immediately just as he was putting his guitar back his phone rang, "Hey Sal," Travis whispered through the phone, "Hey Why'd you stop playing." Travis looked out his window and smiled when he saw Sally standing his phone to his prosthetic, "Didn't you hear my dad?" Sal shook his head no before speaking, "Grab your stuff we're going to my place, I wanna hear more of your music." Travis blushed as he responded, "I don't think that's a good idea. If my dad found out he'd" Sal interrupted him, "Dude it's fine you'll only be gone for a few hours tops, I'd love to play with you." Travis bit his lip as he hung up the phone, and grabbed his school bag and his guitar. As quietly as he could he slipped out of the open window falling onto the roof that covered the front porch, "Give me your guitar." Sal said just loud enough for Travis to hear, he tossed the guitar down to Sal and hopped off the roof. "What's the bag for?" Sal asked as they started their walk to the Addison apartments, "I don't want to come back just to get punched in the face when my dad figures out I'm not there." Travis stated looking forward, walking next to Sally Face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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