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AS GABRIEL AND Y/N WENT, closer to the room they were inching towards, the sound of sniffles and cries now being the only thing heard from the door. They both shared worried looks, not sure of who should be the one to open the door. They didn't want to get in the way of someone's sadness, and they didn't want to make whoever it was behind the door uncomfortable either because they knew that if they were found crying in school, they'd be embarrassed. After they finished thinking to eachother, Gabriel turned his head back to the door and reached his hand out for the door knob, quickly twisting it open.

The door swung open to reveal a familiar redhead that had his face buried in his hands until he whipped his head up towards the door, his puffy bloodshot eyes shocking the two that stood across from him. It looked like he'd been crying for hours, and that really hurt their hearts, "August... What are you doing in here??"

"Yeah, and why are you crying..?" Gabriel added on as he took a few steps over to the red haired teen that could only sniffle some more as he pushed his arms back down to his sides, a fake smile moving along his lips while he tried to hide his true feelings since he didn't want rumors going around about him. He already had enough of those, so he wasn't trying to risk it at all.

After a few more sniffles, August then chuckled out at the brunette and the shorter teen that stood side by side, genuinely seeming worried about him because they could tell that he clearly wasn't doing well at the moment, "I'm not... I'm... I'm fine, man..!"

"Are you sure...?" The brunette egged on, his head tilting down while he made deep eye contact with August, trying to get him to admit something he didn't want to.

The ginger smiled even harder, his eyes narrowing as he clenched his jaw, trying to make the facade he was putting on believable, "Y-Yeah... Why do you ask..?"

Now it was Y/Ns turn to take steps closer to the redhead while she pushed the door shut behind herself, her head tilting while she made her way towards the boy that had dried tears down his cheeks, "Because we just saw you crying?? August, if something's happening with you, you know you can talk to me, right..?"

"You can talk to the both of us, if you want..." Gabriel crossed his arms with his voice getting a little softer, making August blush a little.

But still, all the red haired teen could do was glance anywhere away from the two friends that hoped they were making him comfortable enough to tell them what really happened, "Really..?"

"Yeah.." Y/N put her hand against his shoulder, causing him to look up to make eye contact with her, a frown growing against his lips.

I'm only a second, it looked like August just turned himself off. He stood dead still while a drowsy expression overcame his face, and his heart rate went higher as he thought about his issue. He didn't know what he was going to do with himself for the rest of his life as his body just drowned itself out, but he knew that he had to open up to someone about this, "My mom passed away."

Y/N and Gabriel both gasped in sync before they exchanged shocked looks once again, their eyes quickly turning back onto the boy that wanted nothing more than to just sink into the memories of him and his mother that filled his head, "What?? When..?!"

"Yesterday night... I came back home, and... I found.. I found her dead on our couch.." his voice was getting even lower and lower with each word he stated, but that didn't stop him from speaking, even though it did sound like his voice was already beginning to crack a bit. The two didn't blame him at all though, because they themselves didn't know what they'd do if one of their parents ever died.

Y/N and the man beside her was just at a deep loss for words that all she did was take him in, giving him a tight hug as she titled her head to the side, her breath hitting against her lips as she whispered her next words, actually feeling horrible for him. It was like he was bad luck somehow, "August, I'm so fucking sorry that happened to you..."

"I thought it was by accident... But.. it wasn't... I.. f-found her note, and I-" he cut himself off with yet another sniffle before he finally broke down.

Hot tears seeped out of his red puffy eyes before he raised his arms up, beginning to hold the female that already had her own arms wrapped around him. His body grew hot as he whimpered into her shoulder, his eyes fluttering shut as he clenched his jaw again, feeling an unbearable amount of immense pain that filled himself. He was so glad that even after all the teasing he'd done to the girl that she was still there for him, and he just knew that after all of this ended, he'd be there for her no matter what.

The brunette ran his large hands down his face as he let out a few low huffs, his own heart breaking at what he was seeing. He still had a little thing for Y/N, but he couldn't even be mad that she was all up on the redhead because he needed someone to be there for him, and there she was, being there for him, "I don't know... what to say to that... Fuck.."

Only crying harder into Y/Ns body as he pushed his slender fingers up to the back of her shoulders, his entire face started growing red while he gripped on her, making her heart ache even more inside of herself.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before August finally calmed down, his salty tears still streaming down his face while he pulled away, embarrassment quickly wavering throughout his whole body until he felt the warmth of Y/Ns hand against his cheek that snapped him out of his thought. He looked away from the ground to stare at her, his cheeks getting redder as he did so.

"I... don't care about anything that happened in the past... and.. I want you to know that, August. I'm always here for you.. w-whenever you need me. You really don't deserve any of what's happening to you..."

Breath hitching, the boy felt an extra tear gliding down his cheek while he felt all of that warmth just from her stare going into different parts of his body, "Y/N... You're so sweet..."

"Yeah, I'm.. also here for you too... If you didn't know.." the brown haired male across from the both of them chimed in, raising a hand so he could be noticed.

"Thanks, Gabriel.." August looked in Gabriel's direction for a split second until he turned back to Y/N, almost all of his attention on her as he just maintained all eye contact with her, noticing that there was something different about his view on her. He was actually feeling things, unexplainable things. It felt like a bunch of butterflies were flying around in his stomach while he leaned into her touch, a sparkle shimmering through his eyes as he let his lips tremble in comfort.

Y'all Phoenix is obsessed with Y/N why would he cheat? U guys had me shocked by those comments

Y'all Phoenix is obsessed with Y/N why would he cheat? U guys had me shocked by those comments

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