Chapter One *TW for past self harm*

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Charlie lets out a frustrated huff. The uncomfortable chair he was in and the stress of trying to get a part in a movie were both annoying. His best friend, Tao, and his agent/other best friend, Darcy, both look up at him with matching annoyed expressions. 

Darcy, a mid height blonde with a bob and a shiny personality, glares at him. "Charlie, I adore you, truly, but if another sound that isn't a screech of glee comes from your mouth I swear I'm going to lob your head off.", she states grumpily. Tao looks at Darcy then back to Charlie. "Seriously, like dude relax, you know shit is going down in the industry right now and you aren't the only one struggling to find a job."

Charlie is mid sigh when he sees Darcy start to get up and quickly stops it. "I know that, thank you. It's just... I don't know if I'm good enough to even land a small job. No one wants skinny gay, they want muscular, straight". This sentence earns a snort from Tao. "Neither of which applies to you. You'll get something soon and even if not", he picks up the SmartPad next to him and taps on it a few times, "the views on your music videos are doing very well. It seems you've picked up a nice number of subscribers too". Tao pulls his beanie off and rakes a hand through his hair, "You'll get something eventually. Didn't you audition for some like 1800s piano movie thing?". Charlie nods. "Yeah, Play from the Heart. The synopsis actually looked good. It's about a fictional gay couple in 1800s England who struggle to be together because they're both married to women until some anonymous source rats them out. I auditioned for Lord Joseph Herbacher". Tao snorts again, "Herbacher?". Before anyone can reply, Darcy states, "I barely know her". A few seconds of shocked silence later, all 3 are laughing thunderously. 

"Darcy!" Charlie says between gasps of laughter. Tao is on the floor on his back clutching the beanie to his bright red face. Darcy, tears flowing, clutches her stomach and howls with laughter. 

4 minutes later, the trio had subsided to giggles. Charlie wipes his eyes. "Okay, okay, Darcy, where are we actually at with the audition? Any response from Miss Argent yet?" 

"Ummmm, I don't know. Tao, the SmartPad please". Tao hands it over and Darcy taps on it a couple times. "Soooo... nothing yet. Did she say when she or the company would get back to you?". Charlie slumps, "No. Just said she'll email me if it's good news but it's literally been a month!" Darcy frowns, "Charlie, I'm an agent and I can tell you right now sometimes it takes MONTHS, plural!" Seeing the expression on Charlie's face, she adds, "But that's the process. They've prolly have had loads of other actors come in to audition for both Lord Joseph and.... ummm...." "Lord Sebastian Croft". She snaps, "YES! Lord Croft. It isn't an easy process. When I assisted a casting director I think I had about 4 trillion files on my desk to go into callback and no callback, but you're sharp on the piano, you look good in those weird clothes, and you're already gay so if you don't get it, which is doubtful you won't, that is on THEM. If I was them I'd take this opportunity to actually cast someone who is queer." Darcy finishes with a dramatic cross of her arms. 

Charlie dives over and hugs Darcy tightly. 

"Thank you." She squeezes him back. "You're welcome, Springboard. But seriously, quit being all dramatic. Anything can happen and no matter what you'll be fine. You have me and Tao always." Tao nods and joins the hug. Darcy lets go, "And if I have to I'll pull some invisible strings." Charlie laughs. 

Another agent from the company opens the door, Sahar Zahid. "Miss Olsson, phone call for you in the lobby." Darcy jumps up, "Be right back!", she sprints out the door and shuts it behind her.

Tao hugs his knees to his chest, "Are you really nervous you won't get the part?" 

Charlie looks at the door and back to Tao with a sigh, "Yeah. I know the industry is crazy and competitive but I want it so bad and I am perfect for it." Tao nods. "If you don't get the part, just don't spiral. I think you'll get it but I'm scared of you hurting yourself again."

This statement surprises Charlie. It had been well over a year since his last self-harm relapse. Charlie hugs Tao tightly. "If it gets that bad again, I'll tell you. I pinky promise." Tao and Charlie lock their pinkies together.

Tao hugs Charlie tightly and they stay like that for a moment. Charlie lets go and looks at his best friend, "You've always been there for me and it got better because you pushed me to try. You're a great best friend." Tao nods, "I know". Charlie laughs and shoves him onto his side while Tao laughs. 

The door swings open again. Darcy stands there, a sad look on her face. 

Charlie and Tao exchange a glance, "Darcy, what's wrong? What's happened?" 

Darcy frowns, tears dripping from her eyes. "I just got off the phone with Miss Argent..." 

Charlie feels his stomach sink. Tao's face drops. Darcy looks down, "I'm so so sorry to tell you that you got the part." 

Charlie's head whips upward, he was unsure he heard her. 
"I'm sorry...WHAT?!" Darcy is grinning now.

"Pleasure to meet you Lord Herbacher." She snorts. 

Tao, Darcy and Charlie are all screaming and jumping up and down.

Charlie shoves Darcy's arm. "That was so mean!" Darcy howls with laughter. "I'm so sorry! I couldn't resist!" Cue another round of celebration.

Darcy stills herself and the trio all smile at one another. "Okay, but for real though, they're only working on casting the extras now."

A lightbulb goes off above Charlie's head. "So they've already casted Lord Croft?" Darcy nods but it's hesistant. 

Charlie catches this, "Who is it?" Darcy scratches her neck. "Wellllll, ummmmm." 

"Who, Darcy?" "You aren't gonna like it."

This earns a confused glance between Tao and Charlie.

Darcy looks down and mumbles something.

"What was that?"

Darcy looks up, "It's Nick Nelson." 

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