Chapter Fifteen

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Song- Listen to Your Friends- Declan McKenna AND mona lisa by mxmtoon.

In honor of Matthew Perry (1969-2023) - I'll Be There For You- The Rembrandts

Y'all I got an 89 on my midterm I am an academic WEAPON! Also I get to see my dog and pet tarantula this weekend! Anywho, ENJOY!! We've only got 5 chapters after this. So I'll likely end it with 20 chapters and THREE epilogues.

-Holly 🍃

Nick had stayed over at Charlie's that night, waking up at 7, far before Charlie's typical 7:45. He crept downstairs and made himself a cup of tea.

"Hello." Nick nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of a female voice. Turning around, he found Tori assessing him critically, no emotion on her face.

"Hello Tori." Nick said, trying to be polite. 

She eyed him, "So you and Charlie are alright, then?" 

Nick tilts his head, considering this. "I would say so." 

"Good." Tori nods and crosses the kitchen to pour herself a glass of diet lemonade. 

She sips slowly, then asks,"So what really happened?"

"My agent's assistant kissed me. Charlie caught us before I could push her off. I was so surprised I didn't know how to react."

"Okay. I believe you." Tori states simply.

"You do?"

"Yes. Charlie trusts you so I do too." 

"Alright." Nick says, unsure of how to proceed with this conversation. 

Tori gets a bit closer, "But so help me, if I ever hear that you actually cheat or lay a finger on him in any way that isn't positive I will personally drain your blood, freeze your body and throw it into a wood chipper. I know how to get away with things."

"Duly noted." Nick says, laughing awkwardly.

Charlie enters the kitchen in shorts and a shirt, "Isn't it a bit early to be threatening someone's life, Tori?" he asks while rubbing his eyes and stretching. 

"Were you listening?" She asks.

"Nope. I just know you too well." He smiles and gives her a side hug.

"Guess I'll have to wear pink one day to really catch you off guard." 

"HA! I'd pay to see that." Charlie laughs and pours tea into a cup. 

"Char don't forget we gotta go get my car and keys." Nick pokes Charlie's arm.

"Okay. Tori can I borrow your car?" 

"Sure." She says, taking the keys off a hook and tossing them to Charlie.

Nick and Charlie finished their tea and went upstairs. 

After getting dressed, Charlie drives over to Nick's house. Nick fishes his house keys out of his pocket and opens the door. Nellie runs at him and skids to a stop on the wooden flooring, tail wagging at a wild speed. 

Nick bends down and kisses her head, "Hello, Nell. Sorry I left you alone all night." Not that you'd know the dog remembered it, she was happier than a clam. Nick quickly grabs his spare keys and they drive to the park.

They find Nick's car in the same spot. Nick looks over at Charlie.

"I'll pick you up in 45?" He questions. 

"Alrighty." Charlie says, leaning over to kiss Nick on the cheek.

"Bye, Char." Nick says, exiting Tori's black Kia.

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