Chapter Ten

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Nick and Charlie had spent the rest of the week and weekend at Tori's house. Charlie seemed to be doing much better and on Sunday afternoon they started the drive back to Kent. 

Charlie was sleeping in the passenger seat, his face squished up against the window. 

Nick drove and held Charlie's hand. Tomorrow they'd be back to work.

On Monday they started the second half of the movie. 

Nick walked up to Charlie and Darcy on their short break. 

"Hey! I wanted to introduce you to my agent. She's been in Yorkshire visiting family so she hasn't been here in a while. This is Tara Jones." A shorter girl with braids and a bright smile stood next to Nick along with another girl, a brunette with icy blue eyes and tan skin


Charlie and Darcy shook her hand. "I'm Charlie Spring and this is my agent Darcy Olsson."

Tara motioned to the girl next to her, "This is my assistant, Anna." 

The girl gave a tight smile and looked at her iPad. 

Charlie liked Tara immediately and by the way Darcy was blushing when Charlie looked at her, so did she. 

"Nick has been keeping me updated." Tara shot a wink at Charlie and he felt his face heat up. 

"Uh- that's good." Charlie coughed.

Nick smiled. "I hope you don't mind I told them."

Charlie shook his head, "Not at all, I am SO proud of you." He kissed Nick's cheek. "Wanna come back to my dressing room with me? I need a snack so bad." 


The pair took off, hand in hand. 

As Charlie turned back to wave to the other three people, he noticed Anna looking at Nick with a strange expression. Was that... lust or disdain? Charlie shook the look off and walked with his boyfriend. 

The second Charlie heard the door click shut he flopped onto the gray chaise lounge chair. "I'm tired and hungry." 

Nick lifted up Charlie's legs and sat down. "Me too." 

Charlie pointed at the mini fridge and drawers. "Drinks, non alcoholic, and snacks in there." 

Nick smirked at his boyfriend. "I can think of something I'd rather eat." At this lewd statement, Charlie rolled his eyes. "Oh please, if we're gonna have sex-" he sees Nick's eyebrows shoot up "it is NOT going to be in a dressing room. Especially not the first time." 

"Aw man." 

"Sorry not sorry." 

Nick moved Charlie's legs and snuggles into his chest instead. Charlie twirls the strawberry blonde strands around his fingers. 

"So, I've been researching." Nick says. 

"Oh really?"

Nick smacks Charlie's chest, "Not THAT kind of research. I think I'm bisexual."

"Well that's good." 

"Yeah, I still like girls but now I like you." 

"That's okay, love. And even if you aren't bi, there's a million and one sexualities out there."

"I know I mentioned at the park wanting to come out, but now I'm sure sure." 

Charlie smiles. "Good."

"Are you sure it's okay that I told Tara and Anna?"

"One hundred percent." Charlie says. 


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