Chapter Nineteen

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Song- La vie en rose- Edith Piaf. 

Look y'all. I have to write in French, and I speak French pretty well but I'm too lazy to figure out how to write all the accents. 


The first full day after waking up that morning in Paris was exciting. Around noon, Nick and Charlie walk over to the Louvre, hand in hand.

They're walking around the Greek and Roman antiquities section when Nick's phone buzzes.

"Oh, it's my dad." He says, looking up at Charlie, "Do you mind?"

"Go ahead." 

Nick puts the phone to his ear. "Allô? Papa? Oui, ça va. Je suis au Louvre." Nick says, looking around. "Um, je te verrai cette semaine? Ah, serieux? Non, ca va, je prefere. Oui. A bientot. Bye." Nick hangs up and turns back to Charlie. 

"Sorry, he said um-" Nick catches Charlie watching him with an expression that was mixed with surprise, love and amusement. 


"You speak French. Like, fluently." 

"Uh, yeah. My dad's French and he only really talks to me in French so." Something in Charlie's eyes catches Nick's attention. 

"Are you-, wait, do you LIKE the fact that I speak French?" Nick asks. 

Charlie scoffs. "It's fine. It's cool." he says starting to walk off. 

Nick catches Charlie's wrist and pulls him back. Staring into Charlie's eyes he says, "Mon amour." 

Charlie rolls his eyes, "Oh my god you are SO cringe." he says trying to wriggle out of Nick's hold. 

"You don't look like you're cringing you look like you're blushing." Nick says, holding Charlie tighter. He wrestles Charlie to the floor. A gruff looking security guard starts telling them to knock it off in French. 

"Run!" Charlie says, grabbing Nick's hand. 

They find their way up to a balcony. 

"You never really told me about your dad." Charlie mentions.

"Yeah, well, he lives in Paris and he isn't the most reliable but he's still my dad." 

Charlie nods. "So what did he say?"

"Um, he wants to meet at a cafe in about an hour." 

"Okay. Do you want me to come or go back to the hotel?" 

"Come with me, please?" 

"Okay." Charlie conceded. 

The pair wandered around the museum for a bit before heading off to the cafe. 

A man with gray hair and a strange looking mustache that felt oddly French stood up and waved, "Nicolas!" 

Nick wandered over, dropping Charlie's hand in the process. In the Louvre, they had been secluded despite a few stares. Sometimes Charlie forgot Nick was still a star. 

"Hey, Dad. Um, this is Charlie. Charlie this is my dad, Stephane Fournier." 

They shook hands and the trio sat. 

"So, Nicolas, do you still play rugby?" 

Charlie caught a look of sadness pass over Nick's features. 

"Not so much anymore, since ya know, I graduated high school and I act in movies now." 

"Oh yes, your mother mentioned that." 

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