Chapter Five

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Quick A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you SO much to everyone who has read, voted on, or added this story to their lists! It means so much. I'll keep updating frequently, I'm in college and it's been BUSY! - Holly :)


Everyone was tired. The entire week and day today had been spent going over lines, tweaking the script and adding little character traits that both Nick and Charlie had to memorize and perfect. It was fun getting to know his new coworker and friend, but Nick was so tired, all he wanted to do was relax. 

Charlie was feeling the same way, he wanted to lay on his couch and play Mario Kart and scarf down a bowl of extra salty pretzels (saltier than him, he liked to say). Elle was relentless but she had a vision and wanted to see it PERFECT. 

After a particularly angry and exhausting scene where Nick and Charlie had to chase each other through a massive garden, both were sweaty and exhausted. This was no surprise to anyone considering the scene took 5 takes because someone (Nick) was laughing too hard or someone (Charlie) tripped over a stray root and his agent had to sprint to the bathroom from laughing too hard. 

Nick huffed, trying to catch his breath, "Christ" he breathed, putting his hands on his knees and letting his head flop down, blonde hair flattened on his head. "Tell me about it." Charlie could hardly get the sentence out while trying to catch his own breath. 

Elle walked over with a clipboard in hand. "Alright gentlemen, you're done for today. Well done. Enjoy your weekend and we'll see you bright and early Monday. We need to get the kissing scene out of the way." She smiled and walked off again, probably to get an apple juice.

"I love that she just threw that out there." Nick said, staring after her. 

"She isn't extremely subtle." Charlie noted.

"Tell me about it. So what're your big weekend plans?"

"Nothing, my weekends are for sleeping and Mario Kart." 

"I LOVE Mario Kart. I'm the best." 

This statement earned a loud snort from Charlie. "That is impossible because I'm the best."

"I am, actually."

Charlie smiled and pulled out his phone, clicking on a number. 

"Hello?" A girl answered.

"Hi, Tori. Have I ever lost a game of Mario Kart?"

"No, it's annoying." She said.

"Thank you! My friend here says he's the best but I needed to prove him wrong."

Tori sniffed, "Good luck to your friend, you're an insufferable winner."

"And you're a sore loser."

"Nope, just sore period." She said matter of factly. 

"Love you, Tori."

"Love you too, Charlie. Call me tomorrow, Oliver misses you." He promised to call and ended the call. 

"Told you!" Charlie said triumphantly.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Alright, let's settle this. Come to mine round 7 and we'll battle it out on Rainbow Road."

"I don't know you that well yet, what if you're a murderer?" 

"I'll let you pet my dog."

This was an offer that Charlie couldn't resist. "Fine, but I'm only doing it for the dog." 

"I know."

Later that night, 30 minutes before Charlie was set to leave for Nick's he was struggling to pick out a t-shirt. The issue was, he didn't want Nick to see his scars. He hated it when people asked about his scars, if he chose to give so much as a simple explanation, all he got was pitying stares and people always started to walk on eggshells around him after that. Like he was a bomb waiting to explode any second. Finally, he picked a black t shirt and a blue checked flannel, with black skinny jeans, of course. With a shout to Tao, he was out the door and arrived at Nick's 10 mins later. 

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