Chapter 4

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On Sunday

"Ahh. It's Sunday today. Do you know what I love about Sunday boys?" Vernon asks, after a week of getting the Hogwarts letters. There were so many owls outside.

"No mail on Sunday?" Harry guesses, very reluctantly.

Vernon just nods in response.

"No bloody letters today. Ha!" He says, and as soon as he does, a letter smacks him in the face.

I cover my mouth to muffle my laugh, and Harry does the same. We just stare as Uncle Vernon keeps getting smacked by letters.

Aunt Petunia walks in, and gets smacked as well. She peels the letter off her face and just reads it again.

"Bloody hell. More letters? Why can't they just leave us alone!" Petunia says.

Uncle Vernon gets very angry, and just decides that we are moving for the week.

👁️👄👁️ and just when me and Harry got our own room for once in our lives.

After we packed our shit, which for me and Harry was just clothes. Giant elephant sized clothes to be exact. We get into the car, and in the backseat, Harry and I are squished to the windows and I can't move.

I did prepare myself, and forced Harry to also prepare himself with a rain jacket and earmuffs and a warm jacket for the hut. I told him that I bet him 50 'galleons' that we would end up renting a boat and rowing ourselves to a hut on a rock while it's storming out.

He just looked at me like I was crazy when I said galleons, and he said that he doesn't have 50 pounds or 'galleons'.

While we are driving, I wish I could just apparate and get there already. The good thing is that it was our birthday on that day (and it's my birthday today in real life as well.)

Once we got to a little lake, we see a random guy with a tiny ass boat. Uncle Vernon walks up to him and asks if he knew where we could find a little house, and he told us the obvious. The hut on the rock.🙄

We just followed Uncle Vernon as he made his way to the boat. I thought that we would sink, and as soon as Vernon and Dudley were both in the boat, it started cracking. I used a bit of 'aCcIdEnTaL' magic and fixed the boat while allowing it to float so we don't drown.

I looked at Harry and said, "as soon as you get those 40 galleons from mum and dad's gringotts bank vault, you owe me 50 galleons." He just gave me a confused look. Typical Harry.

We got to the house and we rushed in. Obviously, the fatsos and horse looking ass got the bedrooms, and me and Harry got the couch and floor. I offered to sleep on the floor, and Harry didn't argue. We didn't go to sleep and waited until midnight for us to turn 11.



How's the story so far?

Today is actually my birthday in real life, and I just turned 14! I think I said it on the previous chapter, but who cares.

So, it is currently 11:12 (23:12) and I'm tired. My friend got me some 50 lbs of candy, and it's a lot. 乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏ

Also, I created a Lenny face.


I know it's beautiful 😌✨

Goodbye lovely peoples

Edit on 12/21/23

So... I know this is based in September and the story line is in July and I'm publishing this in December... But I don't a give two fucks. It's my book and I can do whatever the fuck I want. 😌

Also, happy holidays to all of you who celebrate during this winter break.

If I Was Harry Potter's Sister (The Sorcerer's Stone/Philosophers Stone)Where stories live. Discover now