Chapter 5

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Although we say that we turn 11 at midnight, I would like to point out that since I am older than this part, I am the older twin. I think I'll be older by .0000000001 seconds because our parents were literally magical, so why not have a magical birth, yk?

Anygays, Harry and I are laying down, and I decide that I will walk around to see what food they have. I am so fugging hungry. I look around the hut, and notice the most tiny ass refrigerator you have ever seen in your whole damn life. I open it, and see there is a single sandwich. And it's probably for Dudley or sum.

While I unwrap the sandwich, I count down to midnight inside my head, and I can hear Harry counting out loud. I split the sandwich with a bit of strength, as the sandwich is as hard as a rock.

As soon as Harry and I take a bite of the sandwich, or well, attempt to take a bite, we both hear a loud ass knock on the door. The knock, unfortunately, wakes up the Dursleys and they come running down.

Vernon is holding a whole damn rifle, and I am afraid that he might accidentally shoot himself. Sorry, did I say afraid? I meant very, very, very hopeful. That would be awesome.

The door continues to knock, and I just stare at the door. Harry hides behind me, but we are both very skinny, something I didn't notice when I got transported into this world. I wish I was this skinny in real life. The door keeps on knocking.

The door comes down with a smash, and, wouldn't you know it, in comes Hagrid. He busts through the door and he is carrying a bundle that I know is the smashed cake and think to myself that I will not be eating that.

I look at Dudley and see his stomach has ripples in it like water. How is that even possible? Like what? ANYWAY, it's obvious he's hungry and I decide that he should probably have it to not mess up the storyline that much.

Hagrid's talking to uncle Vernon and they are fighting. The shot goes off through the ceiling and I just stand there. Harry is trembling next to me, and Dudley is already eating the cake.

"Hello Harry. Hi there Alex. How are you? Happy Birthday btw. I made you a cake, but someone is already eating it. Good thing I made another one." Said Hagrid. I want to try Hagrid's cooking skillz after what all the books say about it, so I try some.

It actually isn't that bad. To me. Harry immediately throws up. "He just...uh...err.....has.......a......cold?" I say,  very convincingly. Harry remains wretching on the floor and Hagrid cleans it up with the umbrella.

"It seems the letters couldn't reach you. Here ya go." Hagrid says, handing us the letters. I stare at it for a few moments and am very happy.

"What is this Hagrid?" Harry asks, perplexed.

"Yer a wizard Harry. And Alex, yer a witch."

"I knew it!" I say. I feel Harry looking at me.

Hagrid starts asking about how excited we are to go to Hogwarts. I say that I am very excited, but Harry, being the nerd that he is, decides to question everything.

"What do you mean Hagrid? What's Hogwarts?"

"Harry. Shut. Up." I whisper to him. Of course, he doesn't listen.

"By golly Harry. Didn't you ever wonder where your parents learned it all?" Says Hagrid.

"Learned all what?"

"The magic Harry! Lily and James Potter were one of the best wizards and witches out there! That's why only a wizard as powerful as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named could ki-"

"By He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, he means Voldemort, Harry. The wizard's name is Voldemort. He killed our parents when we were little." I can't help but interrupt.

Hagrid flinches at the name. "Erm...yes...that is correct Alex."

Harry looks shocked. "But...Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon told us that they died in a car crash!" He exclaims.

"A car crash!?" Hagrid rumbles. "A car crash could never kill Lily and James Potter!"

"We told them that because I knew they would turn out like her! Monsters and freaks just like that garbage she married! And it all got up in her head by that stupid frail old man Alus bundleboor or whatever!" Screeched Aunt Petunia. "We swore when we took them in, we would stomp out any sign of magic in them! Didn't we darling?"

Petunia turned to Vernon. "Erm, yes.. indeed we did." He stuttered out.


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So I don't actually know what a/n means but I read another book that had this everytime they did this part so...yeah...

I started this chapter on my birthday, Sept 28, and am just now finishing it. It is 11:47pm (23:47) on Nov 12. Totally didn't take me a whole month.

I'm in Texas rn visiting my abuelita and ngl, she is getting pretty annoying.

But anygayssss, that's it!! Hope you have a good weekend

Edit 1/14/24:

I hope you guys are having an awesome year. Sorry for not updating in a while, but I'm back now. Today is my child's birthday. She is now 14 just like me.

Goodbye bitches, bros, and nonbinary hoes 😵‍💫

If I Was Harry Potter's Sister (The Sorcerer's Stone/Philosophers Stone)Where stories live. Discover now