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It's a bit of a mess, but I'll clean it up. I love the prep, the execution, and definitely the clean up. I gotta hurry though, my 30 minutes are almost up. Gotta get back to work.

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Thomas Tennyson loved masturbating in public. He enjoyed the planning that went into trying to get a nice, quiet spot in the right work bathroom during his carefully timed lunches to beat one off. He kept pocket lotion that didn't leave a scent, he made sure his strokes weren't overly loud so as to not alert whomever may walk in, he was methodical in the approach. He thought of himself as a serial killer sometimes when he jerked off in public. It made him feel powerful and dangerous, that was apart of what made Tom horny; the power factor. It cured him of life, problems, impure thoughts. With this, he had power over himself. Tom fixed his pants and tie, taking in a deep breath. Centering himself. Then cleaned up, flushed, washed the hands (he called them the murder weapon).

Outside the bathroom was like being in a totally different world, it was only negative that it happened to be the real one. The floor was flooded as always by running bodies, power walking to their seats, to meetings, to lunch, home. A lot of them beautiful and pregnant. I hated them being pregnant. I don't talk to anyone but I still prefer the chance at least, the chance to speak. But I'd never do anything with it. Oh if only the confidence key were mine. I would let loose. My name's Tom Tennyson. I'm an auditor here at this shit hole, the pay is nice. But I'm here for the women. The women, the women, the women. Have to get back to work, they don't like anyone being off the phones for too long.

Tom hurriedly got back on the autodialer. He liked his job enough, it wasn't something to fall in love with. But it was perfect for him. There were almost always a powerful man to woman ratio in call centers. It was a good enough job where there were virtually no high school kids, but just accessible enough where the college students and post grads could flock in perfect unison with the older and content crowd. He himself never made too many friends, but kept up enough small talk to be a fly on the wall. He sat next to two women in the long corridor-esque rows of cubicles. One was in college as a freshman. Just barely old enough for him to fantasize. The other was older, much older than he (26) and yet still young in personality and heart. Looked good too, Tom always saved her for later, when he couldn't think of any other fantasy. Or when he suddenly had the milf urge going on.

Tom would listen through his headphones while they talked on and on about everything. But tuned in the most when it came to boys. He always made sure never to throw in his own opinions, they didn't matter. What mattered is the detail. The more trust women had in Tom, the more he surmised they'd tell him about things. And it worked too. He played the part of a genuinely interested friend. A model co-worker, while they all would gossip and talk, he'd just listen; saving their mannerisms and body language for thoughts in his head. Thoughts he kept to himself.

"I told him, 'Nigga you must be stupid if you think that's what's about to go down'." the young one said, her name was Lisa, short for Kahlisa. Tom liked her, she had a big round ass that was proportionate with her hips, sometimes it made him salivate.

"Of course, cause like, why would you think that's just cool to assume and he just met you? Like one, who the hell do you think you are? Second, what kind of woman is he taking you for?" the older woman said in agreement. Her name was Myra, Tom didn't like her personality, but that is what made him sexually attracted to her. She was feisty, he liked feisty.

"I'm saying. Cause boy, this ain't that. At all. I'm not some hoe you just pick up on some corner. Boy you are going to earn me. I'm sorry. But you taking me out to eat, you're paying for it. You're gonna have a conversation with me, so that I know the person attached to this dick you're trying to put in me is at least smart and worth my time."

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