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Asmo sat at the bar, conversing with the human woman. Who was smitten at every word he spoke. He didn't smile, and kept his expressions minimal.

"You want another drink?"

"Are you trying to get me drunk, Ash?"

"I'm trying to look attractive enough for you."

"Oh my God, stop! You're totally a cutie." the woman said, playfully hitting his shoulder. Letting her hand drag down his arm

Asmo bought her another drink, she already had a few too many. But for this last drink, Asmo slipped her a roofie. The midst pre-occupying her too much for her to notice. After she drank they left the bar. Leaving in her car,

"Can you drive?"

"No. Can you for me? Like please. I wanna nap." she said with a giggle

"Where to?"

"I know this place, let's go to my job. It's this art gallery, put this in your GPS."

The art gallery was five minutes away, perfect. On the drive there the woman rubbed Asmo's dick. Never taking her hands off of it. When they arrived she began to feel the effects of the drug. Asmo carried her out of the car, into the gallery. She passed out. But Asmo didn't want that, it was too easy. Nevertheless, he removed his pants. The door chimed once more,

"What the fuck?!" another woman screamed from the doorway. Asmo whipped his head around.

The woman wore all white overalls stained in paint. A nikon camera hanging from her neck. Asmo reached a hand out, the woman grabbed for the handle of the door, it didn't move.

Asmo licked his teeth, grinning widely. The woman darted for the exhibition, running through the curtains to it. Asmo walked slowly over to the laptop on a podium by the exhibit. Shutting off all the lights, and music. And went in. The woman screamed, looking for an exit. She darted through the hallways that were stripped down bare. And made into interactive exhibits and moving pieces of art. She bumped and smacked into one, falling to her back. But quickly getting up. She got up with haste and kept running for the farthest reach of the exhibit. Asmo walked steadily. The woman found dead end rooms of art, curtains that led to nowhere, and tripped over nothing but her unsteady footing. She passed by a curtain, feeling glass tile on her feet, and ran to the end of the room. There were two doors to the sides of her. She opted for the room on the right, which was a three dimensional room. She couldn't see a thing, and hid between seat cushions on the floor of the video art panel, hoping the stranger wouldn't find her.

Asmo saw perfectly in the dark, his teeth grew sharper and sharper the closer he came to the room. He couldn't put a finger on which door she'd be in. So he went for the left room, which was a room void of light, save for neon lighting within it that displayed the piece. He made every effort not to make a sound as he stepped back into the room's hall, and went for the door on the right next. The whole room was reflective, and the video on the projector showed mirror images of whatever was reflected. Asmo pressed his tongue against his teeth until he pricked it, and tasted his host's blood. Savoring it. His grin turned into a wide smile.

Ingrid awoke to faint screams, her head was pounding. Everything was spinning, including the room. Her memory was blank, things were trickling back. Who was screaming? She struggled to get up from the love seat at the entrance of the art gallery. The screams had stopped now, sudden without warning. Ingrid stumbled to her feet, holding onto an art structure that stood massively in the open space of the gallery. On her feet now, she stumbled and fell back down onto the love seat. Things were coming back to her now, she was supposed to be with a cute guy she picked up at the bar. Where was he? Was he the one screaming? She heard footsteps approaching. Her vision was blurry, was she really this drunk? Did this motherfucker spike her drink?

Asmo looked down at her, his expression blank. Calmly, he offered her his hand to pick her up. She took it, slurring out questions.

"Did we do anything? I don't feel so good. Ash, what the fuck?" she stammered

"We didn't. Not yet. But we are now."

Asmo spit out a nipple, the girl tasted delicious. He bet with Tom that this one would feel and taste even better than the intruder. Ingrid was too out of it to realize what was going on. Asmo sweeped her up off her feet. And calmly walked her to the back. She tapped him to stop, he let her down, and in a nearby trash bin she puked. Asmo silently cursed to Tom, no oral from this one. He swept her back up, and continued. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest. Asmo, came to the final room, and chose to take her into the room on the left. Taking Tom's advice not to stack her on top of the other woman. He placed her down on the floor gently

"Can we wait? I feel like shit. I totally still wanna do it though." Ingrid slurred out,

Asmo shut the door behind them, Ingrid never noticed he was already naked. She hadn't noticed the blood on his face either, her eyes grew wide in shock.

"No, we can't."

Victoria always took time outta her day to pray to the loa that gave her life solace. As she prayed to Erzulie, she felt a cold chill down her neck. Her eyes closed, and chills enveloped around her. Hugging her. Waves from the ocean flooded her ears with their melodic sounds. Opening them now, there was only darkness, lit only by moonlight. And in front of her, a bathroom. With the window open, the breeze smacking against her face. She was upstairs in an unknown hallway. Some kind of house, that was sleep. And the wind compelled her to come forth. The wood creaked quietly, she became still; afraid of what lied at the bottom of the stairs. But no disturbance of the uncomfortable silence emerged. And she crept onward, towards the bathroom. The wood breathed in. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, goosebumps began to form on her neck, then her back,before spreading to her arms. The laboratory was empty, and pale blue from the moonlight.

Victoria shivered. She felt a presence within the room. But her eyes deceived her. She backed away towards the door, but it had disappeared. Running her hands on the wall feeling for a doorknob, only to turn around and see a wall in its place. Erzulie's tributes were neatly arranged around the bathtub. Victoria got on her knees. Bowing her head, awaiting for the Goddess Loa to arrive. The air itself grew silent and the only sound she could hear was her own heart beating out of her chest.

"You're in danger from the man you love. There is a demon inside him. You've been warned."

Victoria awoke resting in her bed. But she knew better than to trust her eyes more than she trusted her head. She picked up her phone to check the time, it read 11pm. She scrolled through her messages, then to her gallery to find a picture of her and Tom. She could feel it now, the bad energy. Victoria heaved a heavy sigh, then got her laptop to start digging.

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