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Tom had his fun with Courtney, the boyfriend changed everything. It'd be much too difficult to be in the wind with him around. He decided not to test his luck, he despised even having to do such a thing as last night so often. But he had to kill the urge. He had to get it to stop sometimes. Tom minded his cubicle for most of the day. Making sure not to raise any interaction with anyone, he loved people; But hated being social. Tom was inching towards lunch time, plotting where he'd go, what he'd eat, and where he'd sit.

I love listening to the sounds of beethoven when I eat. It helps drown out all the thoughts. All the urges. The ones that make me tense up in the writhing pain of anticipation. I recall the last time I ignored it (as I was in a conference room trying to present to my superiors). The feeling that swarmed over me. It was like vines made of my own desire coil around every corner of my body and choke and squeeze until I'm utterly lifeless within my own body. All the way up until I cum. Then all the sudden I'm alive again. Beethoven kept me thinking intellectualisms. I thought of good, innocent things; Like how to improve at my job, my hours, what I'd cook for dinner, the beauty of the sky.

How it shined purple, and orange, making itself a fluorescent image resembling something out of a painting. Something so delicate it could never be touched by man. But that made me think of how cloudy and soft Courtney's skin was, how bubbly and perfect her ass was shaped. I thought of fantasies playing out (to my horror) within my own head. Dark and deep desires playing out in my mind. Ones of myself infiltrating her boyfriend's body. My head becoming his head, but his body being my own. And Courtney none the wiser. Us screwing and fucking, and sucking, and licking, and kissing, and being all sorts of nasty and sweaty and beautiful on her bed, in her bathroom, on her floor. Our cum strewn across the room, splattered like blood from a gruesome movie scene. Her body heaving taking in breath atop of my own, her head steadily bouncing as my chest heaves. The thought of it all was going to make me cum, I felt it, I was going to blow right here (outside, in the employee courtyard. At a shitty picnic table. In my new jeans).

But she came. The new girl. She came right beside me and sat down next to me. I lamented, and my body grew tense in it's pause. Something extremely uncomfortable for me. I did my best not to show it, I didn't want to make the woman uncomfortable either. That was a morbid fear of mine. Making women uncomfortable.

Victoria sat down by Tom, her thick, boisterous ass making a crease in her jogging suit, forcing the bottom of the top of her jacket to ride up, revealing her fair toned brownish red back, and Victoria's secret panties. Which did well in hiding her crack. Something that would've made Tom ejaculate in an instant. The entire occurrence (as small and quick as it is) was noticed by Tom in seconds.

"Hey, what you listening to?" she said in a bright voice

Tom smiled, and took one of his earphones out, then cleaned it off using his t-shirt as a makeshift towel, and handed it to her. Smiling whilst actively trying to hide his smile. Trying not to smile too wide as not to alarm her. She grinned and then laughed a little. Amused at his selection.

"I listened to Beethoven like, the ENTIRE time I was pregnant with my first son. I feel like it really played a part in how good his reading skills are today." she let out a small, very slimly embarrassed chuckle.

"I heard it is really good for babies and kids while they're growing up. It's supposed to make them think more, right?"

"Yep, yeah that's exactly what it does." again a giggle (there's going to be a lot of that, fair warning)

Giggle by Tom in response.

"How olds your first son?"

"He's twelve."

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