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Tom awoke in a cold sweat, in his bed. The room was chilly, yet still; and the feeling of unkind air that shook him to his veins was still as well. He felt alone, and safe. His head was throbbing. He felt around for the spot on the back of his head, and when he reached it, it stung. But then he gingerly rubbed it and it was only slightly better. Tom stood up and went into his walk-in bathroom to assess. And discovered his head bandaged and already cared for. He felt different. Heavier, more confident, darker. His face was the same, yet it felt like it wasn't his own. There was more seriousness in his face, but that could've been from the pain.

He got the shower ready, and checked his schedule. He didn't have work today. Good, he felt a little too woozy anyway, nothing some fresh air and a little self care couldn't fix. Five minutes trickled away by the time he was ready to get in, he asked Alexa kindly to play his shower jams. He got clean, and washed his hair, and shaved. For some reason, he felt new. And wanted to look the part. This would take awhile.

If I told you things I did before,

Told you how I used to be.

Would you go along with someone like me?

If you knew my story word for word, had all my history.

Would you go along with someone like me?

A weird happiness swept over Tom. He felt good, and free. It was odd how happy he felt, for no reason. His body felt more loose, carefree, willing to go into motion. This wasn't strange, but it was new. Tom thought it must've been a little strange, but his thoughts quickly brightened up. HE couldn't really focus on his negative thoughts like normal, this was also strange. But he couldn't see that right now, he was too overjoyed. And couldn't pinpoint why.


As he got out the shower he happened to shift his eyes downward to his penis. And suddenly, it all came rushing in. His penis began to slowly become erect. His body shifted towards the mirror, as if on its own. His face looked so different, he wasn't controlling himself, but he formed a wide, evil grin. His lips split open, into a full teeth baring smile. His teeth.... His teeth were sharper, more pronounced, more animalistic, and it made his grin look vile. He licked one of his teeth, his penis hastened its pace to full erection. And his look went downward, still maintaining eye contact with himself.

"Hello, Tom."

His eyes grew wide and he tripped behind himself, on his way to a nasty fall, but stopped himself. And calmly walked back up to the mirror, that smile faded away and revived all too quickly, as if dually controlled. He could hear the voice as if it were in his head, surround sounding throughout the house, but his lips never moved. A conversation completely apart from reality.

"What the... you.... Last night..."

"No Tom, mid day. It is just now the evening. You haven't been gone that long, my friend."

"What is this? I can hear you. Oh my God, what the fuck? What the fuck is going on?"

"Don't engrave yourself with insanity. I am here. I am within you. You are mine, just as I said you'd be. But I haven't taken the liberty of full control. You see, I can be generous. I believe. You will want this... soon enough."

"Why would I want this? What do you want with me?"

"Let's resume your grocery shopping, Tom. I have something to show you. Before I rudely interrupted you, I believe you were about to answer your own question. Let us go."

Tom began to hurriedly put his clothes on,

"No rush, Tom. By all means, Take your time. I enjoy the ride."

PEEPING TOMWhere stories live. Discover now